Actor Terry Hu's Nonbinary Disney Character Is Literally Out of This World

Starring in Zombies 3 as A-Spen, a blue-haired nonbinary alien, Hu knows the historic nature of their breakout role. They're just getting started.
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Courtesy of Terry Hu

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Terry Hu simply had to pee. It was premiere night of the 26-year-old actor’s feature film debut, Zombies 3, and the lights had just gone up at the Barker Hanger in Santa Monica. As they navigated the crowd in search of the restroom, group after group of starry-eyed viewers stopped them to ooze about A-Spen, the blue-haired extraterrestrial they play — Disney’s first live-action openly nonbinary character. For Hu, one heart-to-heart with an audience member stands out.

“There was this one teen that came up to me that was like, ‘I’m gay, and I just want you to know seeing this was so impactful. You are making a direct impact on people’s lives,’” Hu tells me over the phone. “And I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ It’d been so long since we filmed, but now to see the response — it’s a lot to take in. I feel so grateful that sometimes I don't know what to say besides thank you from the bottom of my heart.”

A decade ago, the Jersey-born actor could barely bring themself to go to their local theater, the AMC at Garden State Plaza. “It would make me feel bad,” they share. “I would be like, I want to be a part of that so bad, but I’m not.”

Though they grew up going to acting classes, the prospect of gracing the silver screen didn’t seem like a possibility for Hu. “That was a hard feeling to reckon with, because at the same time, going to the movies could be so joyous. You feel like you’re a part of it, like the people onscreen are your friends. And then it’s only when it ends that you’re like, Oh, I wish I were still a part of that world,” they explain.

Now, as A-Spen, the leader of the aliens that descend on Seabrook High for the third installment of the Zombies franchise, Hu will remain part of “that world” for as long as people watch the film. What’s more, they will embody the latest example of Disney’s ongoing efforts to include queer and trans characters in its programming — instances of progress that follow a turbulent time for the entertainment conglomerate, which came under fire earlier this year for its initial refusal to condemn Florida’s draconian “Don’t Say Gay” bill, leading employees to plan a series of walkouts.

When asked about being a nonbinary creator working at Disney in the midst of the turmoil, Hu notes that their presence is itself a sign of progress. “When I joined this project, I thought that it was incredible that it’s going to be on Disney,” they tell me, noting that A-Spen became nonbinary when they came onboard the film. “There’s a history of Disney not having that much representation, so the fact that they cast me is a step forward.”

Ahead of the latest Disney musical’s July 15 release, Them caught up with Terry about their historic role, the future of nonbinary representation, and the feeling of being made into a literal doll.

Courtesy of Disney

Before we get to Zombies 3, I’d love to hear a little about what drew you to acting?

Good question. Big question. I grew up in Jersey with three older brothers. When my mom put two of them in an acting class to make them less shy, I was obviously like, “I’m tagging along.” So I tagged along, and I got into it. But then I got busy with school. Acting was always something I wanted to do, but I ended up going to UCLA for neuroscience. It didn't even occur to me to make acting my major, just because I knew that my parents would not support it.

As far as the craft of performance, you mentioned it was always something you enjoyed. What do you like about it?

I’m kind of conflicted on this because I know some people are like, “Oh my God! The stories just pour out of me.” And I love that. I think that’s so beautiful. I think for me, though, what drew me to acting was less the process of doing it and more what it could do. I remember watching The Curious Case of Benjamin Button and just sobbing. I was going through a heartbreak, and I remember it feeling so good to have this moment of release. I remember thinking, “This is so cathartic, and I want to affect people in this way, to provide this feeling for people.”

Were you into Disney musicals growing up?

Oh my God, yes. Truly, yes. I think I remember really specifically watching High School Musical for the first time with one of my brothers and thinking: Are my brother and I having a bonding moment right now? It was one of those moments where you don’t want to move or say anything because you don’t want him to be like, “You’re annoying.” But yeah, I love Disney films, which is why it’s so surreal for 10-year-old Terry to know that we are a part of this.

That’s so beautiful. We chatted a little earlier about your hesitations surrounding going to the movies as a kid, and that it could be overwhelming to immerse yourself in a dream that felt unattainable. Having now watched yourself on the big screen, in what ways does that experience touch those deep childhood feelings of desire?

Obviously for 10-year-old Terry, this is literally unbelievable. But it’s not like this happened out of nowhere. We filmed a year ago. I worked for five months. I was auditioning a lot before that. I've had years to adjust to this surreal reality. At the same time, while I’m not 10-year-old Terry anymore, I do live with those memories. I do remember sitting in my room at 12 and pretending to be on a talk show in front of my crappy little mirror. So when I think about that, and I think about meeting that version of me and telling them, “Hey, this is happening; you get there eventually,” I get goosebumps. Wren, I’m driving and I have goosebumps right now.

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You know what gave me goosebumps? Learning that there was going to be an enby in a Disney musical. The fact that this enby is also a blue-haired,  alien played by yourself — glorious! Tell me a little about what’s been like to take on this historic part.

I feel so honored to be in this position, but to be honest, I realized early on during filming that it just wasn’t sustainable for me to constantly be telling myself This is so big, or I’m making history. At the end of the day, I wanted to stay focused on the work, and something I loved about playing A-Spen is that while they’re nonbinary, it’s not the focal point of their identity. I think there’s definitely a time and place where there need to be stories that revolve around the specific struggles of being part of a minority group. But I really appreciate how, with this part, A-Spen’s [being nonbinary] is totally normal.

Can you tell me a little about what your first impression was of A-Spen?

Yes! Aside from the stuff about the aliens suppressing their emotions and that being a universal trait of A-Spen’s species, they’re very much like me. I resonated with them. Telling my friends about them, they were all like, “Did they literally write this about you?” Like, of course they have two crushes. Of course the first emotion they feel when they can feel emotions is love. They were kind of calling me out. [Laughs]

Not messy Terry crashing the interview!

It’s not that! I just love love. [Laughs]

Okay, switching gears a little. Obviously Disney is such a big company with quite a lot of reach. So especially when it works to make strides as far as inclusive representation, there’s going to be some blowback. Did you have any hesitations around taking this part knowing that it could put you toward the middle of the culture wars?

When I booked the part, I had to leave for Toronto within like eight days, so I didn’t have too much time to think about it. But I’ve definitely worried about the hate that’s going to come. It breaks my heart because I think a lot of the people that are going to hate my character or me only see us as the thing they don't “agree” with — queer, nonbinary, Asian, etc. I wish they would just get to know me as a human, first and foremost. All of that said, would I have not taken this part because I was scared of that? Absolutely not. I’m so proud of this role. I think a lot of love’s going to come, too. And not just for me, but for the community.

So, I hear there’s going to be an A-Spen doll.

Yes, the rumors are true. There really is a doll for A-Spen, and it will be the first nonbinary doll from Disney. The pronouns on the box are they/them in multiple languages — it’s beautiful. I’m extremely honored. Mine is currently in my living room right by the door, guarding our home at all times. So far I’ve seen some on toilet paper holders, some wrapped around lamps. People are getting creative, and I love to see it.

In the midst of the release and all, how are you staying grounded?

A lot of journaling. A lot of spending time with loved ones. But I live alone, so sometimes the comedown from being around people can be hard. Sometimes you feel like you're escaping bigger thoughts or feelings. So it’s a balance for sure…It’s about making sure your baseline is you.

This interview has been edited and condensed for clarity. 

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