How Sex Toys Became A Lockdown Essential

Have you added self-pleasure to your self-care routine?
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Agnes Lloyd-Platt

We take our supplements, meditate religiously and practise yoga to still our busy minds – but how many of us will admit to masturbating in our efforts to maintain good mental health? It’s certainly an effective method of self-care – 78 per cent of us (that’s four in five people), say we feel happier and less stressed after enjoying an orgasm. And it seems that now more than ever, we’re in search of these positive side-effects. Online retailers have witnessed a spike in customers searching for “sexual wellness” – the term was up by 850 per cent on Cult Beauty in March, the month the UK lockdown began. Meanwhile chic sexual pleasure brands like Smile Makers have seen daily revenues double since the nation started staying home, and a 50 per cent uplift in traffic to its website from February to March. 

More time spent at home, far less spent interacting with other people, and a significant reduction in the amount of touch (another endorphin-booster) we experience day to day, all means making time for self-pleasure and focusing on your own body has never been so important. And while in the past the social discourse around sex centred around its dangers and notions of virtue when it came to women, today – happily – female sexual expression is something to be embraced, enjoyed and shouted about. 

Read more: Does A Pillow Spray Have The Power To Revolutionise Your Sex Life?

“Smile Makers was started after our founders walked into a sex shop and found the whole shopping experience, branding and packaging quite vulgar and disrespectful to women,” says Cécile Gasnault, marketing director of the brand and creator of its Vulva Talks. “Even today, you think of a vibrator and the first thing that springs to mind is the big, phallic shape.” Conscious of a huge untapped market – more women in the UK own a vibrator than own a dishwasher – the Smile Makers team got to work on creating a brand that would open up the conversation around female sexuality, make it fun, and challenge the idea that female pleasure should revolve around a male perspective on what it might look like. 

“My aim was to create a brand sold in mainstream retail, focusing on beauty and health stores, to send a strong message that sexual pleasure is important for overall wellbeing, a fact that has been scientifically documented in studies,” says Gasnault. From releasing a cocktail of hormones in the body that boost the mood and reduce cortisol levels, to alleviating pain and enhancing sleep, the benefits of self-pleasure are numerous – and within easy reach. All that’s required is knowledge of your own body. “We’ve also found that when a woman is comfortable enough with herself to own a vibrator and masturbate, she is usually better at vulva and breast check-ups too, so really it’s better for our overall health,” Gasnault points out. It’s also worth noting that studies have found a positive correlation between self-pleasure and improved immunity, too.

It’s undeniable that taking the time to connect with ourselves, our bodies and what we like and don’t like is as empowering as it is calming, and adding little moments of pleasure to our day – whether via a crafting project or a vibrator – can only be a good thing, especially when times are tough. Gasnault also compares masturbation and orgasm to a moment of meditation: “When you experience sexual pleasure, you’re really present in the moment – it brings you back to yourself.”

Unlike many of their predecessors, Smile Makers’ vibrators and toys won’t make you grimace at the sight of them – no exaggerated shapes, definitely no veins – just simple, sculptural and sleek products in pleasing-to-the-eye shades. With names like The Surfer (a gentle massager, perfect for foreplay), The Fireman (flame-shaped to go the extra mile on the stimulation front), and The Frenchman (tongue-shaped), there is truly a toy for every occasion.

Smile Makers products

There are other female-forward brands in the space, too, with Dame offering an array of products that are designed to “close the pleasure gap”, and are small and discreet enough to be used during sex with a partner, as well as with yourself. Unbound’s Bean is a palm-sized, all-bases-covered toy that uses targeted pressure while Lelo offer an array of different toys, with numerous pleasure-making settings. Then there is brands like Naked Grapefruit approach sex in a fun, accessible way. “The vast majority of our sex tech brands were founded by women, to target needs which have largely been ignored by a male-dominated industry for some time,” says Jenna Anderson, buyer at Cult Beauty. Vibrators have had a fashion makeover too, with Christopher Kane’s aptly-named “More Joy” 12-speed bullet vibrator selling out soon after launching. 

Cult Beauty is just one of many e-tailers to have dedicated an entire section of its platform to sexual wellness – Boots, Feelunique and Look Fantastic all have sexual pleasure and wellbeing sections well worth a peruse. It’s not only vibrators on offer – there are mood-enhancing candles, intimate cleansers and lube, plus softening formulas for pubic hair and more. Wellness brands like This Works have launched products that aim to turn you on (try the Love Sleep Pillow Spray), with ingredients like ylang ylang and patchouli to pique feelings of sensuality. Sex and female empowerment is on all of our minds, it seems, a change that, according to Gasnault, has only really come to light within the past couple of years. “I think the Me Too movement played a big role in opening up the conversation,” she says. “Retailers became more open-minded in discussing female sexuality, and wanted to work with brands that were relevant for female sexuality.” Viva la sexual revolution.

This article originally appeared on British Vogue.