How to Protest Police Brutality Safely and Effectively

Here are some tips on how to participate responsibly, whether or not you’re on the front line.
Photo of a hand holding a flower through a car sunroof
Ira L. Black/Getty Images


Pride started as a riot.

The coronavirus pandemic may have cancelled Pride parades and festivals or moved them online this year, but some within LGBTQ+ community are being as resilient as ever in the wake of police violence and racist vigilantism across the country.

Over the past several decades, Pride parades have largely become corporate-fueled shells of what they were when they began. This year, alternatives to those mainstream celebrations — like anti-corporate marches and demonstrations that become prominent in many cities — are notably missing from the streets. The radical tradition of protesting police repression and broader stigma and distrimination against the LGBTQ+ community has long manifested in trans and gender non-conforming marches during Pride Month, as well as Dyke March events and other remembrances of Stonewall. Black Pride events often feature political education and HIV outreach efforts alongside festivities.

But in 2020, now that people are engaging in actions to rally against anti-Blackness and in support of police accountability around the world, Pride observances are morphing into Black Lives Matter events.

Hundreds of demonstrators descended upon the historic Stonewall Inn in New York City on the evening of June 2, with some protesters taking arrests following the event. Participants held a vigil to mourn the loss of Tony McDade, a Black trans man who was recently killed by police in Tallahassee, Florida, and several Black LGBTQ+ speakers addressed the crowd. It was one of many actions that took place in New York City shortly before or colliding with the 8pm curfew instituted by Mayor Bill de Blasio.

Meanwhile, organizers in Los Angeles will mark the 50th anniversary of that city’s parade by hosting a Black Lives Matter solidarity march, planned for June 14 at 10 a.m. The demonstration will begin at the intersection of Hollywood and Highland and continue towards West Hollywood.

“In 1970, we gathered on Hollywood Boulevard to protest police brutality and oppression to our community. We will do that again this year, where it began, in solidarity with Black Lives Matter,” said Estevan Montemayor, president of Christopher Street West, the organization that produces L.A. Pride, in a statement to the Los Angeles Times. “We encourage all community members who believe that we must root out this racial injustice and stand in solidarity with the black community and fight for real reform and change in this country on all levels of government to join us in this peaceful protest, in this march for justice.”

It’s not yet clear whether other LGBTQ+ organizations in other parts of the U.S. will follow in this trend, but it’s an encouraging sign that some Pride celebrations, which are usually white-dominated, are recognizing the need to use their cultural cachet, money and privilege to show support for Black lives, including Black LGBTQ+ lives.

But whether because of health limitations, ranges of ability, an employer, police surveillance, COVID-19 risk, or other reasons, not everybody is able to participate on the front lines. There are many ways you can still protest or help out safely, however, whether out in the streets or within one’s home. Here’s a quick overview of some ways to safely participate in protest movements:

Donate to bail funds or activist organizations on the ground

Consult the posts of activists and organizations that are participating in organized action, and others who are supporting the needs of protesters. They may issue calls for bond support, donation needs for food and supplies, and other needs that emerge. Even if they don’t make an explicit ask, donations also help replenish resources that may have been expended as a result of organizing an action. Any donation can go a long way, especially if you give according to your means and abilities.

Some places to start as you look for worthy causes are Reclaim the Block, Black Visions Collective, Black Trans Protestors Emergency Fund, NYC’s Legal Aid Society, or one of the local bail funds for protesters in your area.

Amplify the demands of organizers and share information with your community

Remaining silent isn’t an act of solidarity, particularly if you’re in a position to encourage others you know to support organized demonstrations. There’s a solid chance that in addition to taking to the streets, the groups leading the charge have taken a thorough and informed approach to demanding reforms and calls to abolition of abusive systems and practices. The ultimate goal is to ensure the message reaches people, and even if you aren’t on the ground protesting, sharing their words helps more than you know.

Wear a mask and engage in social distancing

As Elly Belle writes at Teen Vogue, wearing a mask and wearing it correctly will help mitigate any risk of contracting COVID-19 while marching and chanting, which could likely spread oral droplets into the air. Make sure the mask covers your face and mouth snugly, frequently use hand sanitizer, and keep as much distance as you can from people in your near vicinity. You can still be part of the action while not standing shoulder-to-shoulder with others at the demonstration, unless you choose to do so.

Avoid going to or leaving any demonstration alone

As the saying goes, there’s strength in numbers. There’s safety, too. Use the buddy system to ensure you and your friends make it to and back from the protests without being accosted by provocateurs, violent agitators, or police officers seeking to question or arrest activists for disruptions, especially if curfew orders are in place.

Make sure your phone battery is fully charged and in airplane mode, with data turned off. Bring a recharging power battery. Turn off Touch and Face ID

It’s important to keep your phone ready as a lifeline in case you need to make an emergency call or record any activities as needed. Keep in mind, however, that demonstrations are usually patrolled by officers, who may be carrying surveillance equipment in the area to capture and grab phone signals and other information about who is protesting and where their activities may spread. This equipment can drain your battery and leave you without a phone to use, aside from leaving you vulnerable to being tracked. Also, in case you’re accosted by police, and there’s a dispute involving a phone, keeping your lock security limited to a passcode or password prevents an officer from forcing you to put your fingertip or face up to the phone to unlock it.

Wired has more tips on how to keep your phone protected during a protest.

Come equipped with essential gear and information in case of arrest or escalation

Write emergency numbers in permanent marker near your wrist, including legal aid, and a family or friend emergency contact just in case you have an urgent health situation or arrest emerging from protest. Carry glasses or goggles if you can in case any tear gas or pepper spray is used by cops in riot gear, although glasses won’t completely protect your eyes. In addition, carry a spray bottle to help recover from tear gassing in accordance with the L.A.W.: Liquid Antacid and Water. In instructions shared with Mother Jones, protesters are advised to clean a spraybottle well, and fill it with equal parts of plenty of liquid antacid and water. When exposed, spray eyes and mouth and then swallow.

Also, bring a regular bottle of water and some nonperishable snacks, like an apple and granola bar, so that you remain nourished for the duration of the action.

Be safe as you rally for justice.

More stories on the George Floyd protests and movement for racial justice: 

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