Pride 101: The First-Timer's Guide to LGBTQ+ Pride

What do I wear? Do I have to be out to celebrate? Do I have to drink at Pride? And other questions, answered.
Pride 101
Max Wittert

Happy Pride Month! ’Tis the season to celebrate the past and present of our community. June is a time to recognize the rich history of the LGBTQ+ liberation movement, and toast to that history with the parades and special events that mark this month in many places across the country and world.

The first Pride was officially celebrated in 1970 to commemorate the one-year anniversary of the Stonewall Rebellion, a series of riots by queer patrons of a New York City queer bar against police brutality. In the 50 years since Stonewall, Pride has marched on, evolving into a global celebration of LGBTQ+ rights by queer people and allies alike. From parades to parties to protests, the month of June (and beyond, depending on where you live) is filled with an eclectic array of events, all meant to commemorate our struggles. Today, celebrating LGBTQ+ Pride in whatever way you see fit is especially important as politicians push against our humanity, making queer and trans children their target.

In this guide written especially for first-timers, we’ve covered your most common questions: what you need to know, what to wear, if you can bring your kids, and, most importantly, how to stay and feel safe. But even if this is your 100th Pride, these tips will help you celebrate queer joy and liberation. Read on to get the scoop on all things Pride.

How did Pride start?

Pride Month commemorates the origins of the modern-day LGBTQ+ rights movement: the Stonewall Riots, which began the night of June 29, 1969. On that night, decades of discrimination and police brutality against queer and trans people, especially LGBTQ+ people of color, culminated in six days of rebellion at a queer bar in the West Village, The Stonewall Inn.

Following the Stonewall Uprising, the first Pride march took place in New York City in 1970. Originally, marches took place on the last Sunday in June as Gay Pride Day or Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day, but later spread out across the month and continued as a tradition over the past half-century until it arrived at you! That’s beautiful, huh?

The month of June is a time to pay honor to the organizers, predominantly Black and brown trans people, who paved the way for the current queer rights movement. Without people like Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, and Stormé Delarverie among many others, queer and trans people would not be where we are today.

How do we celebrate Pride today?

There are infinite ways to celebrate Pride. While some of the most well-known celebrations include city-wide parades and festivals, queer joy isn’t bound to large gatherings. Pride celebrations stretch from the largest cities to the smallest rural towns and across every continent, including Antarctica. What’s important to note is there isn’t a single, “correct” way to mark Pride; you can make anything you want into a Pride festivity. Protests, dance parties, and even small gatherings with friends can all qualify under the right frame of mind.

Given ongoing corporatization, the presence of police, and a general lack of accessibility at large Pride celebrations, some people are even ditching in-person Pride gatherings altogether. Know that choosing to celebrate Pride at home or alone is completely valid. If you want to keep your distance but want to engage online, there are plenty of virtual events and communities to tap into.

Can I celebrate Pride without being “out?”

Yes! In many ways, Pride is especially important for people who aren’t out. Many openly LGBTQ+ people are eager to show you that there’s a vibrant and diverse community here to love, accept, and fight for you. You don’t need to disclose your sexuality or gender identity to anyone in order to take part in Pride. However, if you don’t feel safe attending in-person Pride events, you can always opt for smaller gatherings with trusted friends or more anonymous online events. Do what works for you on your own timeline. Celebrating Pride in whatever way works for you is completely OK.

What do I wear to Pride events?

You can wear whatever you want! It might seem like there’s a mandatory Queer Aesthetic™ (colorful dyed hair, crop tops, leather harnesses, etc.) to adhere to, but the only item we consider mandatory is sunscreen — protect that glowing skin!

Pride is a great time to step outside the box and experiment with your look, but it’s also a time to embrace who you are and wear what you’re comfortable with. If there’s something you’ve been working up the courage to wear, why not give it a go? Whether you’re looking to try something outrageous or simple, you won’t be alone.

How do I find the nearest Pride Parade?

Check out this Pride calendar that tracks events across the country. You can also reach out to your local LGBTQ+ center if you have one, or ask someone you know who is involved in the community what their Pride plans are. If you have the ability to do so, it’s also a great time to travel and explore another city’s — or even another country’s — Pride events.

While Pride is meant for everyone, some city-sponsored events have faced rightful backlash for allowing police to attend or march in uniform, which organizers and activists have argued can make queer people of color feel unsafe or uneasy. Other Pride events have come under criticism in recent years for racist or transphobic controversies, or for over-commercialization. Thankfully, there are other kinds of events to seek out — like trans-specific Pride events or protests and marches — if mainstream Pride events aren’t for you.

Can I go to Pride alone?

You certainly can. Pride is a great place to make new friends and build community. If you’re going solo, we advise researching all events and activities in your area beforehand, so you know what they’re about and how accessible they are. Be sure to share your location with trusted friends or family if you go alone, as you won’t have someone to watch your back. Having a point person to text you before and after an event will be good in case anything happens. Check out our guide on general Pride safety tips for more helpful information.

If you’re someone who generally feels anxious at large events, make sure to make a plan and consult this guide on how to manage social anxiety while out. Remember, organizers and other LGBTQ+ folks will be more than happy to see you there, whether alone or in a group!

Can I bring my children or family members to Pride?

The short answer is yes, but research the specific Pride events you are going to beforehand. Many Prides include kink and somewhat sexual displays; these are an important part of celebrating our community, given that kinksters and people maligned as “sexual deviants” were and are at the foundation of the fight for queer liberation. That being said, kids and younger people might not be appropriate to bring to every celebration. It’s important to do your research to figure out if events will be family-friendly. Look at recommendations online for family-friendly Pride festivities, like the Houston Pride Family FunZone and NYC Pride's Family Movie Night.

Are there traditions I should be aware of?

Most Pride events see people wear more rainbow-themed clothing and accessories than usual, and there’s often lots of partying, dancing, and making out. But you don’t have to participate in anything you don’t want to. One cherished Pride season tradition lies in revisiting and learning about LGBTQ+ history. Pride is a great time to educate yourself about our community’s past; here are a few resources and articles to start.

Do I have to drink to celebrate Pride? Is going sober uncomfortable?

Nope! While you might see a good amount of drinking or other intoxicants at Pride events, and that might prove challenging if you choose to be sober, it’s important to bear in mind that you do not have to drink to enjoy Pride if you don’t want to. If you feel like you need to have a drink in your hand, but don’t want to drink alcohol, feel free to ask for something colorful and festive — bartenders are usually happy to get creative with non-alcoholic drinks, too.

Many cities have sober Pride events or meetings as well, so be on the lookout for those, and feel free to ask other community members for suggestions. We promise you will not be the only sober person at Pride, and other sober people will be both thankful for your company and happy to help you navigate events!

Who belongs at Pride?

You do!

But if you don’t identify as LGBTQ+, please be respectful of the space and its reason for existing.

What if I’m queer but don’t want to celebrate Pride?

Then don’t! If Pride is not your thing, you shouldn’t feel pressured to go. In fact, it might sound like a lot of my advice has been “do whatever you want.” And that’s because, well, Pride is all about doing whatever you want! What’s the point of being queer if not to live according to your own expectations and desires, right?

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