Aries Season Is For Fresh Starts and Big Swings. What to Expect Based on Your Sign

It’s time to get bold. Read our queer Aries Season horoscope.
Image may contain Nature Night Outdoors Sky Sun Astronomy Outer Space and Moon

The Aries stereotype would have you believe that every Ram is confident, assertive, and assured — but that’s only accurate when they already have their path figured out! At times, the expectation of strength can feel disorienting and demanding to Aries who are navigating periods of development. In truth, they don’t always know what they’re doing. They usually do end up charging into the future at the front of the line, sure, but only as an outgrowth of increasing self-understanding that the rest of us don’t always get to witness. The real defining quality of Aries is that they simply cannot be anything other than their most genuine selves. An Aries might suffer confusion, even distress, while they’re in the process of figuring out their own soul. But they always reach self-actualization sooner or later, and once they get there, they’re unstoppable.

The broad brushstrokes of that trajectory presage the agenda for all of us this season: we’re going to heal, discover our destiny, and then charge ahead. It’s gonna be awesome! To find out what Aries Season has in store for your sign, read on.

Click here to jump to a sign: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mercury, Chiron, and the North Node are in your sign. The Sun joins your sign on the Spring Equinox.
  • Your ruler Mars moves from Aquarius to Pisces.
  • On April Fool’s Day, Mercury turns retrograde.
  • Venus moves from Pisces to your sign.
  • The Sun and Venus form sextiles with Pluto.
  • The New Moon in your sign draws close to the Earth and blocks the light of the Sun in a total solar eclipse.
What it means:

Was 2024’s astrological schedule decided by a TV writers’ room? If so, I have some notes. Mercury turning retrograde on April Fool’s Day is a little too on the nose, don’t you think? With your sensitivity running high due to Mars’ dip into Pisces, any attempt at a prank is liable to end in violence. Fortunately, you are blessed with a naturally intimidating aura that renders you (somewhat) immune to shenanigans.

Even as communication falls all to hell during Mercury retrograde, your healing journey can’t be stopped. You might struggle to talk about your progress and continuing goals, but you’re launching into your future at top speed. You think you’re beginning to catch some early glimpses of major changes headed your way, but that’s all relative; in truth, you’re the one flying toward large life events.

The New Moon total solar eclipse on April 8 kicks off a truly massive fresh start for you. Wherever you’re currently standing in life, prepare to greet a beginning. If possible, get some safety glasses and literally go stand outside to watch the eclipse happen. It’s the last total solar eclipse visible in the continental United States until 2044, and it’s going down in your sign! If you can, greet the next stage of your life outside in the open air.

What the stars are up to:
  • Jupiter and Uranus are in your sign.
  • Your ruler Venus moves from Pisces to Aries.
  • Uranus creates a trine with Lilith.
What it means:

After a far-out, floaty Pisces Season, you’re prepared to prioritize your own needs. You might feel selfish in strange ways. You can compromise in some circumstances, but other habits that may seem trivial to outsiders are absolutely non-negotiable. Your trash TV viewing schedule is sacred! Without indulging in some time that seems idle to external observers, you simply won’t be able to get anything accomplished. You know how to get stuff done better than most, though. In between periods of necessary rest, you just put your head down and do the work. You’ll bulldoze a path all the way through a dramatic Aries season until the Sun eventually arrives in your own sign.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Aries.
  • Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron.
  • On April Fool’s Day, Mercury turns retrograde.
  • Moving retrograde, Mercury passes through conjunction with Chiron and Venus.
What it means:

You travel forward and backward through stages of healing this season, resolving different bits of trauma in both directions. You may worry that your progress is unraveling after your sign ruler Mercury turns retrograde, but in truth you’re just realigning to undergo proper healing. It won’t feel awesome in the moment, but ultimately the effort will result in a fuller recovery.

You need to be careful about your wants. You’re scheduled to be overwhelmed by a strong flare of desire, but you might have trouble assessing whether the wish is actually helpful or disastrous to your development. Consider stashing your yearning in the realm of fantasy for a time to see if it sticks before acting on it in real life.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler the Moon reaches Full phase in Libra, darkened by the Earth’s shadow in a penumbral lunar eclipse.
  • The Last Quarter Moon is in Capricorn.
  • The New Moon in Aries blocks the light of the Sun in a total solar eclipse.
  • The First Quarter Moon is in your sign.
What it means:

This season brings you a series of intense beginnings. During the Full Moon, your emotions are restrained and harnessed. You’ll still feel your feelings, but you won’t let them stand in the way of your plans. Then, the New Moon completely covers the Sun in an awe-inspiring solar eclipse.

You have an altruistic personality. Helping others is your baseline — your factory setting. It’s admirable, but you have to be cautious to ensure that you’re not constantly pouring from your own cup. As the cardinal water sign, you’ve got the whole ocean to draw from, but still. Reciprocity is vital! At the very least, a symbolic gesture from another person is necessary to maintain balance. Don’t dive into a grand gesture of self-sacrifice without first ensuring that your offering is welcome and appreciated by its recipient.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your ruler the Sun is in Aries.
  • The New Moon in Aries blocks the light of the Sun in a total solar eclipse.
What it means:

Ego death approaches! Your sign ruler is about to get big-time blotted out by the New Moon in a total solar eclipse. If you happen to live in the path of totality, get some safety glasses and walk your ass out of work on Monday April 8 to watch it. (I was fortunate enough to stand beneath totality during the 2017 total solar eclipse, and there’s truly no other experience quite like it.)

Regardless of where you’re located, as a Leo you’re going to feel it. Consider asking a Cancer to hold you in their arms while the Moon hides the entirety of the Sun from the face of Earth. Your emotions will loom large, washing self-consciousness and limitation from your heart. What might you be capable of when you’re not worried about how you’re perceived by others? Here’s your opportunity to find out.

What the stars are up to:
  • Lilith is in your sign.
  • Venus opposes Lilith.
  • Uranus creates a trine with Lilith.
  • Your sign ruler Mercury is in Aries.
  • On April Fool’s Day, Mercury turns retrograde.
What it means:

This season is a weird one, full of discontent and disruption. You don’t want to fixate on yourself, but the need to self-prioritize asserts itself at odd times in strange ways. April sweeps in with the hilarious “joke” of all human communication systems going haywire. Everyone in the zodiac runs a high risk of running their mouth foolishly, and you are no exception. Try to think some of your thoughts silently without giving in to the compulsion to speak them out loud.

What the stars are up to:
  • The South Node is in your sign.
  • Your ruler Venus moves from Pisces to Aries.
  • The Sun and Venus oppose the South Node.
  • The Full Moon in your sign is shadowed by the Earth in a penumbral lunar eclipse.
What it means:

Hosting the South Node in your sign has been a struggle. The entirety of the past is a lot to bear. This season may be the most difficult stretch of your entire journey holding the astrological representative of history. Your whole self yearns to pull free from the sense of stagnation, but nonetheless, you’re still weighted down to the ground. This season, the brilliant Full Moon’s glow of emotion is dimmed by the intrusion of more practical obligations. Then, during the New Moon, your feelings grow so huge they render you wholly unrecognizable to yourself. Here’s wishing you love and good hair days — you’re gonna need both this season.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Pluto is in Aquarius.
  • The Sun and Venus form sextiles with Pluto.
What it means:

You’re prepared to greet large changes politely. An eclipse-inspired life overhaul is on the way! Us Scorpios should sit down and make small talk. It’s a stereotype that we only prefer to engage in casual chit chat about deeply intense personal topics — and usually other people’s deeply intense personal topics. But when you’re talking to other people — or even just to yourself about yourself — you have the luxury to let the shield of privacy slip just a bit so you can learn something about your own soul. This Aries season will be personally revealing. You’ll walk out the other side knowing yourself better than you did before.

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Jupiter is in Taurus.
  • Venus forms a sextile with Jupiter.
What it means:

You catch a nice boost of knowledge — a sudden expansive understanding of what you want and how to make it fit into your life. Chaos reigns around you during this fire season of dramatic eclipses and communication retrograde. Fortunately, you are a happy little hedgehog in the middle of all that mayhem. The sight of other people running around waving their arms and screaming in your periphery brings you a strange sense of contentment. Pandemonium which doesn’t directly involve you reminds you that you’re still alive and thriving in the midst of an exciting universe. And when the bedlam does pull you into its swirl? Well, you’re not upset about that either. Have fun this season!

What the stars are up to:
  • Your sign ruler Saturn is in Pisces.
  • Venus and Mars pass through conjunction with Saturn.
What it means:

Communication systems go on the fritz this season, but that’s all right by you. You’ve pulled deep inside your own protective shell; you’re not really trying to talk to anybody anyway. But that certainly doesn’t mean you’re sitting idle. This season, both desire and ambition align cooperatively with your sign ruler of order and discipline. While the world around you behaves chaotically, you work diligently to realize your goals.

What the stars are up to:
  • Mars leaves your sign for Pisces. Pluto is in your sign.
  • The Sun and Venus form sextile with Pluto.
  • Your ruler Uranus is in Taurus.
  • Uranus creates a trine with Lilith.
What it means:

You’re ready for significant changes in your cozy, everyday home life. It’s time to do what you must in order to make them happen. Happily, you are adept at incorporating innovation into your daily routine. You may grow a bit weirder than even you find comfortable as you indulge your deepest eccentricities. Give in and do it anyway. Whether it proves necessary or not, it’s all part of your next stage of development.

What the stars are up to:
  • Saturn and your ruler Neptune are in your sign.
  • Mars begins the season in Aquarius, then moves to your sign.
  • Venus begins the season in your sign, then moves to Aries.
What it means:

You’ve been sitting still for a minute. Now, you launch into action! For the first week of Aries Season, you’re untouchable. You stroll nonchalantly toward your dreams. Then, you become very serious as April settles in. But take time to think before you commit to the course, Pisces. Is the situation you’re embracing truly your best option, or was it just … there, so you seized onto it at the end of the last cycle? Honestly, you might not even care. You’re all the way in it now! What other choice would you make? Take some time to figure it all out. As always, fantasy is essential.

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