The Long Run is a global membership organisation committed to driving holistic sustainability and nature conservation for the benefit of all. Members implement responsible practices across Conservation, Community, Culture, and Commerce via onsite and online technical support. This practical framework, known as the 4Cs, has helped the world’s leading eco-lodges, privately protected areas, and travel businesses embed sustainability into operations, creating net benefits for local people and nature.


If your tourism operation funds nature restoration or regeneration, join as a Fellow Member to learn, share, and benefit from our unique community and team of experts.

Join as a Fellow Member

Fellow Members are travel destinations and lodges that own, manage or significantly influence areas of biodiversity. They are committed to a continuous journey of improvement towards excellence in sustainability and the 4Cs — Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce.


Fellow Members receive onsite visits from The Long Run’s team of experts to brainstorm challenges and develop action plans. They also receive continuous remote support individually, and as part of our regular 4C Calls.


Each member works towards the prestigious and GSTC-recognised Global Ecosphere Retreats® (GER) standard and becomes a center of excellence. Clusters of accommodations owned by the same brand join as a Group Member .


By joining The Long Run you will be part of a unique community of leaders that continuously learn from one and other, and have access to the organisation’s team of experts, to deliver exceptional experiences that have a positive impact on people and planet.


Individual Fellow Member contribution: One-off joining fee of £1,500 plus an annual fee of 0.5 per cent of annual sales capped from £500 – £5,000 based on returns. View the Brochure for more information.


Group Member: case by case basis. Contact us at [email protected] for more information.

Join as a Travel Partner

Travel Partners are tour operators, agents, travel designers and any business selling travel that actively aligns itself with The Long Run’s community and commitment to the 4Cs — Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce.


Travel partners gain access to our experts, members, events and network, and can tap into a menu of ‘pay as you go’ services for those wanting further dedicated technical and strategic support. In return, partners support and promote the work of The Long Run and Fellow and GER® Members.


If you sell, design or lead responsible trips and experiences, join as a Travel Partner to learn, share, and benefit from our unique community and team of experts.


Travel Partner contribution: Annual contribution: 0.5 per cent of annual sales capped from £500 to £2000. View the Brochure for more information.

Donate To The Long Run


Our world faces unprecedented social and environmental challenges. No one actor can address these single-handed, but travel businesses can help to reverse some of these trends. The Long Run is a global community of like-minded, passionate, innovative people who are committed to conserving nature and improving the lives of people.


As a not-for-profit organisation, The Long Run relies on donations from a variety of supporters from individuals making a one-off donation, regular sponsors looking to join the community, or businesses donating a % of annual profits.


Spread The Word

The Long Run members are some of the world’s most inspiring and aspirational travel destinations. Each is committed to using tourism as a force for good via the 4Cs — Community, Conservation, Culture and Commerce.


The responsible travel agenda is more urgent than ever, so please help to shine a light on the heroes and spread the word about travel that has a positive impact.


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Should you wish to express interest in joining us or have any further queries, please send an email to [email protected].