The Long Run believes that transparency leads to greater positive impact. The rising urgency of the climate crisis and proliferation of sustainability marketing claims makes accountability critical, too. To demonstrate utmost commitment and leadership, The Long Run has worked with its members to create a 4C Impact Statement. This impact ‘bill’ shows how a guest stay at a Long Run member contributes to the local economy and to local Conservation, Community, and Culture projects.

Each 4C Impact Statement shows how the money paid by a guest staying at a specific Long Run member is spent and how their stay impacts the whole destination. It highlights particularly how their stay contributes to the local economy, the well-being of people, to protecting nature, and celebrating culture. All figures are expressed in percentages (%) based on annual forecast or quarterly actuals. Long Run members including accounting teams provide The Long Run team with the figures who then vet the categorisation. The Long Run carries out a yearly random check to ensure expenses are categorised as agreed and tally up with member’s annual accounts. Click on each member statement below to find out more.

Cottars 1920's Safari Camp, Kenya

Click to View Impact Statement

Six Senses Laamu, Maldives

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Tswalu Kalahari, South Africa

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Basecamp Explorer Kenya

Click to View Impact Statement

Nikoi & Cempedak Island, Indonesia

Click to View Impact Statement

The Impact Statement explained in more detail


The pie chart shows how each guest night fee is spent in %. Our Team includes salaries, benefits, training, and welfare. Sales and Marketing includes PR, marketing, and communications. Commission includes to agents, DMCs, company fees, and designer fees. Guest well-being includes F&B and all suppliers and services related to the guest experience. Other operation expenses includes maintenance of infrastructure, refurbishment, and administration. Profit & reserve is the surplus. Further investment in nature and people includes social development, cultural stewardship, and conservation work that comes out of bed night fee e.g. through conservation levy or a 4C fee.


Geographical expenditure shows % of guest money that stays in local area and country: Local is total expenditure in immediate community (the distance depends on the property). National is total expenditure in the destination country. Other is international expenditure.


How does your stay directly contribute to local projects: Conservation includes conservation efforts, species protection, carbon sequestration, and establishment of conservancies beyond infrastructure and maintenance for guest benefit. Community includes projects that support local development, empowerment, and entrepreneurship (excluding benefits and salaries for employees). Culture includes projects that celebrate local skills and cultural expression, support or generate income for neighbouring communities, contribute to preserving or capturing local culture.


Why the 4Cs?


The 4Cs framework provides a concrete way for businesses to internalise sustainability in their operations and decision-making. It highlights the need for a balanced approach between Conservation, Community, Culture and Commerce to achieve a sustainable future. It recognises the importance of business viability to secure biodiversity conservation and community well-being in the long term. Reciprocally, it emphasises the importance of nature and supportive communities in sustaining nature-based businesses. Long Run members are encouraged and supported to continuously expand their positive impacts on the health of the planet and well-being of people via a commitment to the 4Cs. Find out more here.