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About Us

Our vision is to be the Institute of Choice for Highway Engineers. Our mission is to provide professional development opportunities, support and leadership for individuals to achieve and maintain professional recognition.

  • Learn about the IHE. IHE membership formally recognises your qualifications and industry experience.

  • We believe we have an outstanding team dedicated to prioritising our members’ interests. If you’re seeking a rewarding and engaging career in a fantastic environment, consider starting your journey with us!

  • We’ve been registering engineers and technicians with the Engineering Council since 1972 and accrediting academic courses since 1989. We’re proud of our long history and provide our members with 50 plus years of highways experience.

IHE Membership

Join us and demonstrate your technical skills, qualifications and expertise to clients and employers. We offer membership types for highways professionals at every stage of their career.

Professional Registration

Becoming a professionally registered engineer demonstrates your high standard of competence and commitment. By choosing to register, you set yourself apart as an engineer with high standards and also demonstrate your commitment to maintain that competence in the future.

Academy Training

The IHE Highway Engineering Academy offers industry-led training in highway engineering. Through one of our specialist training courses leading to an industry-recognised Professional Certificate or Diploma, the HEA delivers the qualifications, skills and knowledge demanded by the highways industry which are in short supply today.

Work with us

Professional Development Partnerships are open to Highways Sector businesses, Local Government Authorities, Academic Institutions, Professional Engineering Institutes and other Highways interest based organisations.


We administer the registers for Highway Inspectors and Road Safety Auditors as well as manage our active forums contributed to by highways professionals.


Membership benefits

IHE membership formally recognises your qualifications and industry experience. We offer membership benefits to highway engineers at every stage of their career. 

  • Flexible Membership Options
  • Professional Registration Guidance and Advice
  • Training & Qualifications
  • Access to a Branch Network with CPD Activities

Providing Professional
Registration Opportunities

By choosing to register, you set yourself apart as an engineer with high standards and also demonstrate your commitment to maintain that competence in the future.

The IHE can offer you routes to:

  • CEng
  • IEng
  • EngTech
  • ICTTech
  • CITP
  • Advanced RITTech
  • RITTech

Training & Qualifications

The IHE Highway Engineering Academy (HEA) offers industry-led training in highway engineering.

Through one of our specialist training courses leading to an industry-recognised Professional Certificate or Diploma, the HEA delivers the qualifications, skills and knowledge demanded by the highways industry which are in short supply today.

Developing Closer Cooperation

Academic Partners

Join the Institute of Choice for Highway Engineers

IHE membership formally recognises your qualifications and industry experience. Join us and demonstrate your technical skills, qualifications and expertise to clients and employers.