Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer. Learn about signs of breast cancer, its causes, risk factors and more.

How 17 Under-50 Women Learned They Had Breast Cancer—and What Helped Them Through It

A cancer diagnosis is anything but easy—and, while it can change a person’s life in a million ways, just one of those might be for the better. Read these inspiring stories of strong survivors whose breast cancer fueled them to become “thrivers.”

‘Here’s How I Knew I Had Breast Cancer’: One Survivor’s Story Following a Sl...

Sometimes breast cancer can emerge between routine mammograms. Five years after recovery, one patient's story reinforces the importance of scheduling...

New Study: Statins May Reduce Deaths From This Surprising Cancer

Oncology researchers say a widely used cholesterol medication may show another important benefit among a certain group.

My Mom Had Breast Cancer—Here’s Why I Won’t Get the BRCA Test

A simple blood test could determine whether I have a gene mutation that puts me at high risk of developing...

What Is a Breast Cancer Rash? A Doctor Explains

A breast rash is cause for concern, but not every skin irritation is a breast cancer rash. Here's what...

What Is Inflammatory Breast Cancer? The Main Symptoms, Listed by a Clinical Expert

Inflammatory breast cancer is a little different than other types of the disease. Learn about some of the main...

This Survivor Just Delivered Her One-Millionth Meal to Patients Fighting Breast Cancer

Would this baby lose two moms to the same breast cancer—before she started kindergarten? Not if Heather Salazar had...

New Study: Artificial Intelligence Detected Breast Cancer 20% Better Than Doctors

Four women's health experts help uncover the benefits and risks at some institutions that are using AI to detect breast cancer.

Doctors Share What to Know About the New Changes for Breast Cancer Screenings

A prominent US panel says women should start getting screened for breast cancer 10 years earlier than their previous...

The FDA Just Released a New Requirement for Mammograms

The federal regulation offers live-saving information to patients.

8 New Breast Cancer Treatments Some Oncologists Are Calling ‘Mind-Blowing’

New breast cancer treatments—and even new subtypes of cancer—are being discovered virtually every day, and the outlooks are getting...

16 Things Doctors Wish You Knew About Breast Cancer Genetic Testing

The first breast cancer gene was identified in 1994, and doctors have found many more since. Here's what else you...

5 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Breast- and Ovarian-Cancer Genes

Here's what you may not know about BRCA genes and what goes into the decisions thousands of women make every...

HRT and Breast Cancer: What Doctors Need You to Know

Taking hormone replacement therapy for the symptoms of menopause is a highly individualized decision—here are the factors you need to...

Are Self-Breast Exams Necessary? What Women Need to Know

Evidence is growing that monthly self-tests don’t reduce deaths from breast cancer, but you shouldn’t ignore your breasts, either. These...

7 Household Products That May Be Linked to Breast Cancer

Everyday products aren’t considered as big a problem as other risk factors when it comes to breast cancer, but...

50 Everyday Habits That Reduce Your Risk of Breast Cancer

Each October brings pink ribbons and fund-raising for breast cancer research. These 50 expert-approved habits may help reduce your...

If You Have High Blood Pressure, You May Be at Higher Risk for This Cancer

If you have high blood pressure, you may have a slightly higher breast cancer risk as well, although experts aren't...

8 Reasons to Request an Earlier Mammogram

Experts recommend you start mammograms at 45; however, there are some factors that may make you want to start breast...

This Is the Best Diet for Breast Cancer Prevention

With some simple—and tasty—changes to your diet, you may gain more protection against breast cancer.

7 Habits That May Help Prevent Breast Cancer

Our experts reveal the habits that may help prevent breast cancer, from weight management to understanding your family history.

Abnormal Mammogram? 7 Questions You Must Ask

If your mammogram results are abnormal, don't panic. Make sure you ask your health care provider these important questions instead.

Breast Cancer in Men: 8 Subtle Signs and Symptoms

Fewer men get breast cancer than women, but men still need to be aware of it. Here are some of...

10 Foods That May Help Lower Your Breast Cancer Risk

No food can prevent (or cure) breast cancer, but adding these to your diet may help lower your cancer risk.

13 Breast Cancer Myths You Can Safely Ignore

We asked top oncologists the myths they hear the most. Here are the facts about breast cancer.

The Age You Sip Your First Drink Could Determine Your Risk for Breast Cancer

Depending on how old you were when you knocked back your first drink—and how you drink now—could dramatically impact your...

8 Signs of Breast Cancer You Might Be Ignoring (Besides a Lump)

Nearly 250,000 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year. It’s important to pay attention to any breast...

These 14 Women Are Grateful for Their BRCA Diagnosis—Here’s Why

Learning that you're high risk for one or several types cancers is undoubtedly scary and life-changing to say the least,...

This Woman’s Mammo Missed a Breast Cancer Due to Her Dense Breast Tissue

Not every woman is great about scheduling those annual breast exams—You know who you are!—but that wasn't true of Gail...

Woman Shares Her Rare Breast Cancer Symptom as a Warning to Others

When one woman discovered a rash on her breast that looked like a sunburn, she had no idea what it...