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Guest Columns

04/29/21 3:18am
AAUP-Penn argues that Penn must return human remains and repay the Africa family for holding and displaying the bones of at least one victim of the MOVE bombing.
04/29/21 1:12am
Penn's Department of Africana Studies argues that Penn must "do more than simply appoint two members to investigate the use of these remains" and calls for "a complete inventory and physical accounting of ... collections held by the Museum".
04/22/21 1:25pm
Vyshnavi Kosigishroff and Eric Orts argue that the University's trustees must stand up against conflicts of interest and help change Penn's stance on the climate crisis.
04/20/21 1:10pm
In the absence of formal guidelines, AAUP–Penn proposes best practices on the length of instructional periods.
04/18/21 9:08pm
Two members of Fossil Free Penn write that the University's net-zero plan actually does little to combat climate change.
04/14/21 3:37pm
English professor and Asian American Studies Program director Josephine Park releases a statement on the state of the program at Penn.
04/14/21 3:00pm
58 Penn faculty members sign a letter in support of the Asian American Studies program and Prof. David Eng.
04/14/21 2:53pm
The co-chairs of the Asian American Studies Program Undergraduate Advisory Board urge the U. to truly support the program and honor their demands.
04/07/21 12:07am
Penn Dems argues that President Biden must revisit the immigrations policies on which he campaigned and fix the ongoing immigration crisis at the southern border.
03/29/21 3:27pm
Guest columnist Sarah Aziza reflects on the influence English professor David Eng had on her time as an undergraduate and how his departure will affect the University.
03/26/21 9:46pm
In a guest column, Eve Robinson puts forth a series of proposal to broaden the perspectives and educational experiences of the Wharton community.
03/20/21 10:41am
Penn's Chief Wellness Officer, Benoit Dubé, reflects on the COVID-19 pandemic and the future of Penn.
03/15/21 6:18pm
Professor Al Filreis reflects on Paul Kelly, who helped create the Kelly Writers House.
03/15/21 11:47am
Guest columnist Yoni Gutenmacher argues that Penn should move commencement to be inclusive of the University's Orthodox Jewish community.
03/06/21 1:51pm
In a guest column, Andrew Murray Dunn puts forth a proposal to reshape the Wharton school and reimagine business education for the 21st century.
03/05/21 2:04pm
In a guest column, Eric Orts and Stephen Sheller call on Penn's administration to look into allegation of admissions fraud against Donald Trump.
03/01/21 1:39pm
In a guest column, Brian Peterson reflects on his experiences as a member of the Penn community and director of Makuu: The Black Cultural Center.
02/20/21 6:22pm
In a guest column, James Nycz argues that the creation of a school of public service would be an important step in creating a more socially conscious Penn.
02/20/21 8:17am
In a guest column, Hakiem Ellison reflects on his life living in West Philadelphia and time as Penn student.
02/18/21 7:10pm
Mercedes Owens, UA President and College senior, reflects on her time at Penn and personal growth as a Black student leader.