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Opinion Columns

04/17/24 7:53pm
Columnist Sose Hovannisian urges the new class of Quakers to avoid selecting a single for their first-year housing experience. 
04/16/24 11:15am
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that embracing purposeless solitude is crucial for self-discovery and inner peace.
04/12/24 2:33pm
Columnist Mariana Martinez argues Penn should allocate more resources to eliminating rape culture on campus.  
04/11/24 8:08am
Columnist Niheer Patel argues that Penn’s overwhelming support for consulting and financial sector jobs for all of its students limits their potential.
04/10/24 3:14am
Columnist Eric Najera argues that the humanities degrees should not be overlooked in importance.
04/08/24 2:17pm
Columnist Eliza Carroll examines Penn’s institutional culture and how students adapt to the lack of guidelines provided by the University.
04/07/24 9:07pm
Columnist Chloe Chen explores the idea of privacy privilege and the harsh media surveillance of female stars. 
04/06/24 6:03pm
Columnist Sangitha Aiyer encourages incoming first years to abandon their college application personas.
04/05/24 5:32pm
Columnist Mariana Martinez explores the toxic side of academia in American universities and its effect on the students. 
04/02/24 12:11am
Columnist Mritika Senthil reflects on how pro-Israel interests in privacy rights and academic freedom actually align with a recent lawsuit alleging Penn’s concerted restraint of pro-Palestine speech.
03/30/24 3:18am
Columnist Ashti Tiwari suggests first years take a step back from the internship hunt this summer and look for less intensive but still valuable professional experiences.
03/27/24 9:54pm
Columnist Zaid Alsubaiei reflects on the national writing crisis, its causes, and what Penn students can do about it.
03/26/24 1:25pm
Columnist Jack Lakis asserts that Penn’s critical writing requirement is not sufficient and must be taken more seriously. 
03/24/24 5:41am
Columnist Jessey Shin discusses midterms and urgency culture at Penn, and reimagines academia as a human-centric space free from impending deadlines.
03/23/24 4:44pm
Columnist Franklin Li believes that introducing competition to Penn’s food market is one of the only solutions to improve Penn Dining, but this would be impossible.
03/22/24 2:35am
Columnist Sose Hovannisian argues that Penn students should halt the harping on Philadelphia and appreciate the city that’s given us so much.
03/21/24 8:09am
Columnist Kaynath Chowdhury highlights the benefits of incorporating ChatGPT into classrooms to facilitate learning.
03/20/24 10:51pm
Columnist Francesco Salamone explores the isolating experience of grief, urging active companionship and open dialogue about death.
03/17/24 8:14am
Columnist Zara Tena explores the effectiveness of ethics classes at Penn and how they are valuable beyond academics.
03/16/24 4:11pm
Columnist Lala Mustafa explores scheduling fatigue within Penn social circles and advocates for embracing third places as spontaneous hubs.