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Opinion Columns

05/02/24 8:53pm
Columnist Eric Najera reminds campus to treat others with respect despite stressful times.
05/02/24 8:50pm
Columnist Mariana Martinez argues that the quarter system would provide Penn several advantages regarding breadth and depth in the study of different disciplines.
05/02/24 8:00pm
Columnist Akiva Berkowitz reflects on the encampment at Penn and questions why it has yet to be properly shut down. 
04/30/24 11:22pm
Columnist Hanadi Abdulkadir highlights the importance of maintaining your stress levels through the last stretch of the spring semester. 
04/30/24 12:12pm
Columnist Beatriz Báez investigates the University of Pennsylvania Health System’s current inefficiencies and discusses the need for a deep reconstruction.
04/29/24 3:28pm
Columnist Jack Lakis argues that Penn Student Government has an insufficient presence on campus.
04/28/24 10:59pm
Columnist Mia Vesely defends student-led encampments for Gaza and why free speech matters.
04/28/24 8:21am
Columnist Francesco Salamone argues that the craving to be seen and admired plays a larger role in campus dynamics than we think, socially and psychologically.
04/27/24 7:35am
Columnist Lala Mustafa examines the disparity between perceived historical heroism and inaction in contemporary issues. 
04/27/24 4:18am
Columnist Ashti Tiwari shares a realistic overview of her experience with the Integrated Studies Program as a Benjamin Franklin Scholar.
04/26/24 2:34pm
Columnist Mariana Martinez argues that Taylor Swift’s marketing choices are very problematic, even if fans try to turn a blind eye. 
04/26/24 7:43am
Columnist Zaid Alsubaiei calls into question instructor ratings and how perceived course difficulty may undermine faculty efforts in the classroom.
04/25/24 12:10pm
Columnist Franklin Li argues that enforcing prerequisite requirements is not the right way to address the increasing demand for CIS courses.
04/24/24 10:11am
Columnist Mia Vesely explains why Siddhartha Mukherjee is an excellent choice for commencement speaker and why students should listen up. 
04/24/24 9:13am
Columnist Sose Hovannisian urges the Penn community to remember Armenian history’s darkest times today. 
04/23/24 11:51pm
Columnist Kaynath Chowdhury critiques the way STEM courses are taught, attributing low test averages to ineffective teaching methods.
04/23/24 10:22pm
Guest Columnist Daniel Gurevitch reflects on integrating ambition and joy at Penn, emphasizing the importance of balancing serious, hard work with light-hearted moments in life.
04/22/24 4:48pm
Columnist Julu Nwaezeapu investigates the structure of Penn’s Student Activities Council and its role in disseminating inequitable finances to cultural student organizations.
04/19/24 11:42am
Columnist Riane Lumer argues that reinstating standardized tests for admissions is a regression in advancing equitable higher education practices.
04/18/24 3:17pm
Columnist Franklin Li argues that we should think twice before adding another class to our already packed schedule.