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As a consultant and editor to authors for 18 years, one of my favorite things is to see a writer accomplish their goals. Stiofan J. DiRosa is just that -- a writer of conviction and wherewithal in the extremely competitive and cutthroat world of book publishing. It takes an enormous amount of talent to birth one book, let alone six! Yet, Stiofan has done just that in the crime, thriller, horror, and vampire genres. Herein we introduce you to the author and announce the release of two of his novels. His interview follows:

When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer, specifically a crime, thriller, and horror writer? 

I realized creative writing was something I wanted to do in junior high, but I didn’t begin to write until well after graduating from college. With the responsibility of marriage and raising children, my dream was put on hold, but the yearning to write never diminished. Today I am fulfilling my life’s dream every time I sit in front of the computer and peck away at the keyboard drafting my stories. 

When do you find time to write given your busy life? 

I make a point to write three hours every day after my day job and spend quality time with my wife. Writing serves as a great means to relax and forget about my troubles.

What are your favorite books to read?

I enjoy most everything from John Grisham, Deane Koontz, and Stephen King, as well as others. I enjoy most books I read, however, my favorite book is The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. Though I have no particular style or genre I stick to, I use the many books I’ve read as influences in my writings, as well as life experiences and observations. There is a story in nearly every situation if we look hard enough. Most stories come from reality and are expanded into a story by an inventive mind. 

What is your favorite part of being a writer?

I enjoy creating storylines, situations, and characters. For the time I write, I get to play God creating anything I want.

What makes a remarkable story in the genre you write in? 

A remarkable story is built around characters and their dialogue. I want my audience to love or hate the characters. An absorbing storyline is necessary. The story has to be compelling to keep a reader glued to the book from cover to cover without skipping pages.

What's the most surprising thing you learned while writing your books? 

As extreme or absurd novels may be, they mirror reality in some form. I get my ideas to draft a story from real life, and then expand it to create a compelling story that may seem unbelievable or improbable. 

You just released your first novel, The Boys of Wharton, branded as “a sexy adult contemporary thriller of the murderous kind.” Can you briefly tell us what it is about, why you wrote it, and who may enjoy reading it? 

The Boys of Wharton is a story of greed, mistrust, and murder. Princeton Dallas is an ambitious Ivy League graduate student who wants instant wealth by operating an illegal drug business and an escort service registered with the state of Pennsylvania that is a front for a call girl service. His real passion is to help his classmates, a professor who dislikes him, his girlfriend, and his roommate/partners. They aren’t in business long before two of his partners want him dead so they can gain control of the businesses that Princeton set up. Princeton has to find a way to stop his disloyal friends before they kill him, his pregnant girlfriend, and his lone loyal partner.

You have a second release pending – Deaf With Open Eyes, a crime thriller novel. What is unique about this book? 

The story is about a retired police detective, turned newspaper investigative journalist, who is assigned to author a story about a man he helped put on death row for murder. In his many interviews with the convicted man, he learns he was railroaded into signing a confession of guilt by his partners on the force without his knowledge, and it is up to him to save the innocent man’s life before getting the needle, as well as saving his and his partner’s life from his ex-partners and friends on the force who do not want the story published. However, the underlying story is learning to accept people for who they are regardless of our dislike for them, and in the end, we become better people. The protagonist dislikes the convict not only because he is in prison for murdering a store clerk he and his wife adored, but also because he is gay. The protagonist learns in many ways that he and the convict are filled with love and hope. The protagonist realizes he doesn’t have to agree with anyone’s lifestyle, but rather accept their differences and focus on the person and what is in their heart. I want to thank Carla Ginsberg Latimer and her husband Lindsey for doing the artwork on this cover. We were pressed for time to accomplish this article, and they came through beyond my expectations. 

Where can people buy your books?

My book is available through Amazon by visiting the link on my website This will take you to the Amazon link. Or you can purchase the book directly through Amazon at

On August 6-8 Written Word Media is promoting The Boys of Wharton through various online channels in e-book form.

My consultant and I are glad to have found cost-effective options for getting my books into the hands of readers. This particular promotion features my book in e-book form. I’m grateful to be able to share my work with the readers who enjoy the genres I write in.

Anything of note you want to mention? 

My wife, Tammey and my family give me the encouragement and support I need to write. I am a fortunate man! 


To purchase The Boys of Wharton  in print or e-book please visit

Please contact Stiofan directly through the website with comments and questions.

For advance purchase of Deaf with Open Eyes, please contact Stefanie August at

  Artwork by Carla Ginsberg-Latimer & Lindsey Latimer of   Phone: 404-772-3771

Stay tuned for updates on the August 6-8 promotion through Written Word Media.