Member States

South Sudan

South Sudan is a landlocked country located in Africa.

Climate Change Policies

Adaptation: Priority Sectors:

1) Agriculture and livestock;

2) Health;

3) Adapting Vulnerable Communities;

4) Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems + 2 other highlighted priority sectors.

Not available.

Adaptation: Priority Sectors:

1) Agriculture and livestock;

2) Health;

3) Adapting Vulnerable Communities;

4) Forests, Biodiversity and Ecosystems + 2 other highlighted priority sectors.


Year of joining the CVF




Year of national independence


Website Links

Not Available

UNFCCC Focal Point

Mr. John Payai Manyok

Deputy Director for Climate Change & UNFCCC National Focal Point
Ministry of Environment and Forestry
[email protected]
[email protected]

National Focal Points

H.E. Mr. Christopher Wani Jada

Ambassador & Director of the Environment and Natural Resources
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Mr. Akec Deng Machok

Second Secretary
Permanent Mission of the Republic of South Sudan to the United Nations Office and other international organizations in Geneva
[email protected]

News from South Sudan

Not available.