Member States


Kiribati is a low-lying island country located in the Pacific.

Climate Change Policies

Reduce GHG emissions by 61.8% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2000)) by 2030 conditional to external support in sectors of energy and transport.

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Strengthening good governance, policies, strategies and legislation;

2) Improving knowledge and information generation, management and sharing;

3) Strengthening and greening the private sector, including small-scale business;

4) Increasing water and food security with integrated and sector-specific approaches and promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems + 8 other highlighted priority actions.

Adaptation: Priority Actions:

1) Strengthening good governance, policies, strategies and legislation;

2) Improving knowledge and information generation, management and sharing;

3) Strengthening and greening the private sector, including small-scale business;

4) Increasing water and food security with integrated and sector-specific approaches and promoting healthy and resilient ecosystems + 8 other highlighted priority actions.


Year of joining the CVF


CVF Presidency

2010 – 2011

CVF Troika member

2011 – 2013 and 2013 – 2014


South Tarawa

Year of national independence


Website Links

UNFCCC Focal Points

Mr. Tebwaatoki Taawetia

Office of Te Beretitenti
[email protected]

Ms. Tekimwau Otiawa

Senior Climate Change Officer
Office of Te Beretitenti

National Focal Points

Ms. Matea Nauto Tekaiara

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
[email protected]

Mr. Michael Foon

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration
[email protected]

Ms. Betty Mapuola

Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration

Mr. Choi Being Yeeting

National Climate Change Coordinator
Office of Te Beretitenti
[email protected]

Ms. Maryanne Mikaere Namakin

Permanent Secretary
Government of Kiribati

News from Kiribati

Not available.