Member States


Ghana is a country located in Africa with large areas of rainforest.

Climate Change Policies

Reduce GHG emissions by 15% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2010)) by 2030 unconditionally and reduce GHG emissions by 45% (in relation to GHG emissions BAU levels (2010)) by 2030 conditional to external support in sectors of energy, transport, industrial process and product use, agriculture, forestry and land use and waste.

Adaptation: Priority Sectors:

1) Agriculture and food security;

2) Sustainable forest resource management;

3) Resilient infrastructure in built environment;

4) Climate change and health + 2 other priority sectors.

Priority Policy Actions:

1) Agriculture resilience building in climate vulnerable landscapes;

2) Value addition-based utilization of forest resources;

3) City-wide resilient infrastructure planning;

4) Early warning and disaster prevention + 3 other highlighted priority policy action.


Year of joining the CVF


CVF Presidency




Year of national independence


Website Links

UNFCCC Focal Point

Mr. Daniel Tutu Benefoh

Deputy Director

Environmental Protection Agency

[email protected]

National Focal Points

H.E. Ms. Shirley Ayorkor Botchwey


Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration

[email protected]

[email protected]

Mr. Jedidiah Reuben Adogla

Director of the Multilateral Relations Bureau
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Regional Integration
[email protected]

Mr. Iddrisu Yakubu

Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ghana

[email protected]

Mr. Kyekyeku Yaw Oppong-Boadi

Environmental Protection Agency

[email protected]

News from Ghana