Member States


Bangladesh is a country located in Asia, crossed by the Ganges–Brahmaputra Delta and with large areas of rainforest.

Climate Change Policies

Reduce GHG emissions by 15% (in relation to BAU levels (no base year)) by 2030 conditional to external support in the sectors of power energy, transport and industry and to reduce GHG emissions by 5% from BAU levels by 2030 unconditionally.

Adaptation Priorities:

1) Improved Early warning system for tropical cyclone, flood, flash flood and drought;

2) Disaster preparedness and construction of flood and cyclone shelters;

3) Tropical cyclones and storm surge protection;

4) Inland monsoon flood-proofing and protection + 10 other highlighted priorities.

Adaptation: Priority Focus Areas:

1) Food security, livelihood and health protection (incl. water security);

2) Comprehensive disaster management;

3) Coastal Zone Management including Salinity Intrusion control;

4) Flood Control and Erosion protection + 6 other highlighted areas.


Year of joining the CVF


CVF Presidency

2011 – 2013 and 2020 – 2022

CVF Troika member

2015 – 2016



Year of national independence


Website Links

UNFCCC Focal Points

Ms. Farhina Ahmed


Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

[email protected]

National Focal Points

Mr. Faiyaz Murshid Kazi

Director General

Ministry of Foreign Affairs

[email protected]; [email protected]

Mr. Dharitri Kumar

Deputy Secretary 

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change

[email protected]

Mr. Sanjay Kumar Bhowmic

Additional Secretary

Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change 

[email protected]

News from Bangladesh