them too

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Accused of Rape; Carter Claims Relationship Was Consensual

Nick Carter. Photo: David Becker/Getty Images for iHeartMedia

Melissa Schuman, a member of the 2000-era girl group Dream, has claimed in a detailed post on her blog that former Backstreet Boy Nick Carter raped her in 2002.

Schuman says Carter invited her and a friend to his Santa Monica apartment; according to Schuman, the group hung out and had drinks, when she and Carter went into the bathroom and started kissing.

“He then pick[ed] me up, put me on the bathroom counter and started to unbutton my pants. I told him I didn’t want to go any further,” Schuman writes.

But she says that Carter continued to pressure her, and demanded oral sex. “He was visually and clearly growing very angry and impatient with me. I couldn’t leave. It was evident to me, that i couldn’t leave. He was stronger and much bigger than me, and there was no way I would be able to open that door or have anyone help me,” Schuman writes.

Schuman, who was a virgin at the time, said she made it very clear that she didn’t want to have sex, but claims that Carter ignored her wishes. “He was relentless, refusing to take my no’s for an answer. He was heavy, too heavy to get out from under him. Then I felt it, he put something inside of me. I asked him what it was and he whispered in my ear once more, ‘it’s all me baby.’ It was done,” she writes.

At the time, Schuman says she considered pressing charges, but was concerned about the professional repercussions. Schuman says she decided to come forward now, after seeing a report on accusing Carter of a similar offense.

“I feel I have an obligation now to come forward with the hope and intention to inspire and encourage other victims to tell their story. We are stronger in numbers. If you are reading this and you have been assaulted, know you don’t have to be silent and you are not alone. I know it’s scary. I’m scared.”

Update, 1:50 p.m.: Nick Carter has responded to Schuman’s allegations in a statement to Vulture, saying that he believed they had a consensual relationship.

“I am shocked and saddened by Ms. Schuman’s accusations. Melissa never expressed to me while we were together or at any time since that anything we did was not consensual. We went on to record a song and perform together, and I was always respectful and supportive of Melissa both personally and professionally. This is the first that I am hearing about these accusations, nearly two decades later. It is contrary to my nature and everything I hold dear to intentionally cause someone discomfort or harm.”

Backstreet Boy Nick Carter Denies Rape Accusation