Project Mémoire

Sandford Tuey (source primaire)

Ce témoignage fait partie de l’archive du Projet mémoire

Interview avec Sandford Tuey.

Prenez note que les sources primaires du Projet Mémoire abordent des témoignages personnels qui reflètent les interprétations de l'orateur. Les témoignages ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions du Projet Mémoire ou de Historica Canada.

Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Document showing Sandford Tuey's top secret clearance with the armed forces. He researched communications from other countries and monitored Russian reaction time to American tests.
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey at Alert in the Arctic.
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Getting to the Canadian Forces stations in the Arctic was often a dangerous endeavour as evidenced by the downed Hercules aircraft.
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
The morning ritual at Cornwallis military base: a crisp made bed and one's gun broken down and displayed for inspection.
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey on his first day at Cornwallis military base to begin training. 1976.
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey
Sandford Tuey and other graduates of a communications course.
Sandford Tuey

La transcription en français n’est pas disponible en ce moment. Veuillez consulter la transcription en anglais.