Project Mémoire

Ed Storey

Ce témoignage fait partie de l’archive du Projet mémoire

Interview avec MWO Ed Storey.

Prenez note que les sources primaires du Projet Mémoire abordent des témoignages personnels qui reflètent les interprétations de l'orateur. Les témoignages ne reflètent pas nécessairement les opinions du Projet Mémoire ou de Historica Canada.

Ed Storey
Ed Storey
The United Nations helmet that Ed Storey wore as part of the United Nations Protection Force in Yugoslavia from May 1993 to May 1994.
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey with one of the Geographic Section's Jeep Cherokees in Daruvar, Croatia. 1993.
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Mr. Storey also collects military memorabilia. He bought this helmet from a Croatian soldier in Yugoslavia for $10 US.
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey in Croatia, 1994.
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey in Sarajevo, July 4, 1993.
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey
Ed Storey's Canadian Army Combat uniform with United Nations blue hat. Mr. Story served with the Mapping and Charting Establishment as a cartographer.
Ed Storey

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