Project Mémoire

Daniel Wilson (source primaire)

Ce témoignage fait partie de l’archive du Projet mémoire

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On his return from the Gulf War Daniel Wilson and his comrades were greeted by this sign, declaring: "Mission accomplished! Welcome home Desert Cats!"
On his return from the Gulf War Daniel Wilson and his comrades were greeted by this sign, declaring: "Mission accomplished! Welcome home Desert Cats!"
On his return from the Gulf War Daniel Wilson and his comrades were greeted by this sign, declaring: "Mission accomplished! Welcome home Desert Cats!"
On his return from the Gulf War Daniel Wilson and his comrades were greeted by this sign, declaring: "Mission accomplished! Welcome home Desert Cats!"
Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson.
This seemingly innocuous object functions as the arming mechanism for a bomb; the bomb in question would have been used during Operation Desert Storm, February 1991. Provided by Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Medals awarded to Daniel Wilson (left to right): Kuwait Liberation Medal (Saudi Arabia), Canadian Gulf and Kuwait medal; Special Services medal with NATO bar; Canada 125 Decoration; Canada Decoration for Meritorious Service (12 years).
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson.
Photograph of a CF-18 Hornet taken from another aircraft. Courtesy of Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson.
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson's dog tags include a small device that measures personal radiation exposure. These devices are standard issue among Canadian Forces, and many other armed forces around the world.
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson
Daniel Wilson pictured at work….
Daniel Wilson

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