
Adrienne Labelle

Adrienne Labelle. Soprano, teacher, b Montreal, fl 1904-10. She studied voice with her father, Charles, and Céline Marier and piano with Alexis Contant and Émery Lavigne. She completed her voice studies in 1903 with Auguste-Jean Dubulle in Paris.

Labelle, Adrienne

Adrienne Labelle. Soprano, teacher, b Montreal, fl 1904-10. She studied voice with her father, Charles, and Céline Marier and piano with Alexis Contant and Émery Lavigne. She completed her voice studies in 1903 with Auguste-Jean Dubulle in Paris. Following her return to Montreal in 1904 she was a soloist in numerous concerts, including those of the Goulet MSO, and specialized in the French repertoire. She also taught singing and opera.

See also Gustave Labelle (her brother).

Further Reading