
38 Canadian Brigade Group (38 CBG)

38 Canadian Brigade Group (38 CBG) is a formation of the Canadian Army Reserve. There are 13 units in the group, including armoured, artillery, engineer, signals, infantry and logistics units. The units are located in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and north-western Ontario. Brigade Group headquarters is located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. In total, 38 CBG includes more than 1,200 reservists.

38 CBG


  • The Saskatchewan Dragoons
  • The Fort Garry Horse
  • 10th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
  • 26th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
  • 116th Independent Field Battery, RCA
  • 38 Combat Engineer Regiment
  • 38 Signal Regiment
  • The Royal Winnipeg Rifles
  • The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment
  • The North Saskatchewan Regiment
  • The Royal Regina Rifles
  • The Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders of Canada
  • 38 Service Battalion

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