

Nain, NL, incorporated as a town in 1970, population 1188 (2011c), 1034 (2006c). The Town of Nain is the most northerly community on the Labrador coast.

Nain, NL, incorporated as a town in 1970, population 1188 (2011c), 1034 (2006c). The Town of Nain is the most northerly community on the Labrador coast. It was given its name when chosen by the MORAVIANS in 1771 as their first mission. Until the 20th century the mission served as a permanent trading base for trappers, hunters and fishermen who followed ancient seasonal migration routes. The mission members, the only permanent European settlers, ran the store and trading post until 1926, when the HBC assumed its operation.

In the 1940s this store passed to the Newfoundland government; the International Grenfell Assn and the Labrador E Integrated School Board took over the medical and educational services. The main industry is fishing, with the main species arctic char, atlantic salmon and scallops being processed at the local plant. CN Marine operates a coastal boat service and there is year-round air service. The modern town has been settled year-round since the 1950s, its population being augmented by the resettlement of the former Moravian missions of Nutak and Hebron.