
Mount Robson

Mount Robson, elev 3954 m, the highest mountain in the Canadian Rocky Mts, is located 72 km NW of Jasper townsite, 10 km SW of the Continental Divide.
Mount Robson
At elevation 3954 metres, Mount Robson is the highest peak in the Rocky Mountains (photo by James Marsh).

Mount Robson, elev 3954 m, the highest mountain in the Canadian Rocky Mts, is located 72 km NW of Jasper townsite, 10 km SW of the Continental Divide. There is much speculation about its name, but it was probably named originally after Colin Robertson, an officer of the HBC post at St Marys in the Peace R country. Its heavily glaciated northern slopes drop steeply to Berg Lk. A high escarpment of the S side falls off 2969 m to Kinney Lk. The highly prized first ascent was claimed earlier, but the first complete ascent was made July 1913 by guide Conrad Kain and W.W. Foster and A.H. MacCarthy. Foster and MacCarthy both later climbed Mt Logan. The mountain is now climbed by several very challenging routes.