
Canada Committee

Canada Committee, a British parliamentary committee established 2 May 1828 to settle political disputes which were paralysing representative government in Lower Canada and creating difficulties in Upper Canada.

Canada Committee

Canada Committee, a British parliamentary committee established 2 May 1828 to settle political disputes which were paralysing representative government in Lower Canada and creating difficulties in Upper Canada. The committee heard the testimony of several notable Canadians and recommended, among other proposals, that the Houses of Assembly should control public revenues in exchange for a permanent Civil List; that the Legislative Council (upper house) should be more independent and should represent the populace as a whole; and that the CLERGY RESERVES in UC should be sold, the proceeds to be used to benefit all Protestant denominations. The report was an immense boost to the Reform cause, for its recommendations echoed the demands of reformers in both Canadas. Nevertheless, despite attempts to adopt many of the recommendations, political tension failed to ease and culminated in the REBELLIONS OF 1837.