2024 Elections

Coverage from the latest election cycle, including campaigns, primaries, and conventions.

A photomontage featuring Kamala Harris
Illustration by Joanne Imperio / The Atlantic. Sources: Anna Moneymaker / Getty; Brendan Smialowski / Getty.

The Harris Gamble

She may be the last best hope, but don’t deny the risks.
A red-white-and-blue Biden-Harris campaign sign ripped in half horizontally, so that only Harris's name remains
Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: Wikimedia.

How Is This Going to Work?

I get the argument that a contested nominating process would strengthen the eventual winner, but three weeks of uncertainty can destroy the morale of a campaign, if not the entire party.
A photo-collage of Kamala Harris walking in a suit, a distant view of the White House, a dark-blue "D" for "Democratic," and an outline of Joe Biden's head
Illustration by The Atlantic. Sources: Michael Buholzer / Anadolu / Getty; bauhaus1000 / Getty.

Can Harris Reassemble Obama’s Coalition?

Her path to victory depends on re-creating the sort of electoral coalition that carried the 44th president into the White House.
A glitchy image of Trump and Biden
Illustration by Joanne Imperio / The Atlantic. Source: Brendan Smialowski / Jim Watson / Morry Gash / Getty.

MAGA Cries ‘Coup’

The right’s playbook against Kamala Harris is already clear.
Joe Biden sits at a desk in the Oval Office
Erin Schaff / The New York Times / Bloomberg / Getty

A Candidate, Not a Cult Leader

After Biden’s decision to leave the race, the difference between the Democrats and the Republicans could not be clearer.
A photo of Biden looking downcast
Matteo Minnella / A3 / Contrasto / Redux

Thank God for That

Biden’s continued candidacy was an insult to the intelligence of American voters.
Joe Biden
Illustration by Gabriela Pesqueira / The Atlantic. Source: Anna Moneymaker / Getty.

Joe Biden Made the Right Choice

In his painful decision to withdraw from the race, the president put his country first.
An illustration featuring J. D. Vance
Illustration by The Atlantic. Source: Drew Angerer / Getty.

The Next Republican Leader

In choosing J. D. Vance as his running mate, Trump has signaled what he hopes will be the future of the GOP.
Picture of Joe Biden
Demetrius Freeman / The Washington Post / Getty

Biden Must Resign

If the president wants to protect American democracy, he should hand over his office to Kamala Harris.