Emma Green

Emma Green is a staff writer at The New Yorker. Previously, she was a staff writer at The Atlantic, covering politics, policy, and religion.


  1. The Christians Who Mock Wokeness for a Living

    The Babylon Bee, an online satire publication, has become a popular destination for Christians disaffected with megachurch culture and right-wingers who crave clever commentary about the hypocritical left.

    Kyle Mann on a background of red and blue triangles
    Courtesy Babylon Bee; The Atlantic
  2. Should Princeton Exist?

    Each year, top universities shower resources on a privileged few. Christopher Eisgruber, the president of Princeton, defends elite education.

    Princeton President Christopher Eisgruber on a solid yellow background
    Sarah Blesener for The Atlantic
  3. A World Without Children

    A generation facing an intractable problem debates whether to bring a new generation into the world.

    A black-and-white image of a baby with a red globe as his head
    Getty; The Atlantic
  4. The Culture War Over ‘Pregnant People’

    Some advocates on the left want America to talk about pregnancy and birth in gender-neutral terms. But this language change might not be so easy for the country to embrace.

    Louise Melling in black and white on a background of colorful geometric objects
    Molly Kaplan / ACLU; The Atlantic
  5. What Texas Abortion Foes Want Next

    If John Seago and his allies get their way, abortion would be completely illegal in the United States. Would they be ready for the consequences?

    John Seago surrounded by red graphical blocks
    John Seago; The Atlantic