Happy Mother’s Day.

All us outdoors men and women arrived to where we are today because our mothers helped us to enjoy our first experiences on the water and in fields, forests, marshes and swamps.

We were too young to care about our “aromas” when we came back home smelling of mud or shrimp or fish slime or blood or any of the other “odors” we believe signaled our ascent into adulthood.

Usually we were greeted by something like, “Take your clothes off before you come into THIS home … oh, not your underwear!” before our mothers quickly deposited our smelly apparel into the washing machine.

And, didn’t they cook what we brought home?

And, most times, they didn’t complain, not a word, and blessed the next time we were ready for our next outdoors adventure.

Sometimes they even bragged to the neighbors about our catch of speckled trout or bluegill or crabs.

If your mom is still with us, then give her a big hug and a bigger Thank You!

If she isn’t with us, then remember those days when she encouraged you to get outside and begin your life-long enjoyment of what fishing and hunting means to you now.

Happy Mother’s Day.

Joe Macaluso