Supreme Court (copy)

The U.S Supreme Court is seen, Thursday, June 20, 2024, in Washington. (AP Photo/Mariam Zuhaib)

Once again, the Supreme Court fails to uphold the Constitution and sends yet another mixed message concerning the Second Amendment.

A recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling backs a Louisiana law banning domestic abusers from having guns

Is it so hard to understand that the reason behind the “shall not infringe” clause means no government can infringe, or regulate, against an American citizen’s right to keep and bear arms?

The founders understood that if any leeway was given, those in power would abuse it with excuses to disarm the populace.

The Constitution does not give us freedom and liberties. It guarantees our government won’t take it away from us.

We have allowed the government since 1934, or 90 years, to infringe on an uninfringable right.

Today we have American citizens who are incarcerated or labeled felons, simply because they chose to exercise a right long-recognized and respected by our government.

That slippery slope has led to arresting religious leaders, closing their places of worship, and closing “nonessential” businesses during the pandemic. The likes of Walmart, Amazon and other mega-corporations flourished while mom-and-pop businesses were shuttered.

If you think the restrictions during COVID-19 were strict, imagine how much more would have been forced upon us if we, the people, were not a well-armed citizenry!

If we allow even one excuse to disarm a law-abiding citizen, what will be the line in the sand?

I don’t wish for a true civil war, but so long as the Supreme Court allows infringements, those such as our currently weaponized Department of Justice will be further emboldened to make up excuses to jail and convict innocent Americans for simply exercising their constitutional rights.



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