In response to Jon Kemp's letter on June 13: Thank you for the brutal truth you reveal in the statement that "women in Louisiana are now forced to have children they do not want."

That is the humanist's manifesto at its finest: My body. My health. My choice.

But taxpayers pay for the poor choices they make in life. No one forces anyone to have sex without considering possible costs, and I haven’t seen a forced marriage in my lifetime.

Just because 1 million women choose to have abortions doesn’t justify murder. Yes, murder. Life begins at conception.

Since the writer brings up religion, why should anyone impose the religion of "existence for the self" on me rather than a belief in a personal God who is there and has spoken to us through Jesus Christ?

You have rights — the right to distinguish between right and wrong — but you are clearly wrong in this matter.


Baton Rouge

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