Judaism is a religion, not a race. Members of every race embrace it. Over the centuries many Jews have intermarried with other religions.

What do Jews believe?

Jews follow the wisdom and traditions of the Torah. It tells how 3,000 years ago, Moses freed the Jews from slavery in Egypt, and they wandered in the desert for 40 years. They settled where Israel is today, a nation surrounded by Arabs and terrorist organizations that seek its destruction. Israel is America’s great ally among free peoples.

Moses also offered the Ten Commandments, rules of good social behavior and kindness. Louisiana has legislated the Commandments be displayed in every classroom.

Christianity also embraces the teachings of the Old Testament. Do they deserve hatred ?

William and Ariel Durant, America’s great historians, believe that America’s Judeo-Christian heritage, Jews and Christians working together, produced the cooperation that helped build Western civilization.

Here is the truth: Those who support Hamas support terrorism against Jews and Israel. “From the river to the sea” means they support genocide, the killing of all people living between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. If you demonstrate against Jews and are arrested, your police record must be listed on all employment applications, hurting your chances for a good job.

Where hatred is preached some person, organization or country is paying to gain a destructive advantage. Don’t be used and don’t be ignorant.

Socrates said, “There is only one good, knowledge, and only one evil, ignorance.


New Orleans

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