Beet salad

This plated beet salad on whipped goat cheese is a winning appetizer, served with toasted multigrain bread, or as a salad with a meal. 

Instagram doesn't do a great job of portraying real life — and, in my experience, the recipes behind the photographs of gorgeous plated dishes don't always hold up. 

That said, I approached a beet salad that Ereka Vetrini posted with an appropriate level of skepticism. I love most any beet dish and was looking for a salad version that would work for summer. 

I ended up tweaking Vetrini's recipe in a few ways, but I must say this is one Instagram recipe that has found its place in my regular rotation of meals to enjoy with my family and to serve friends. 

The recipe has three different elements — the salad, the dressing and the goat cheese spread. The peeling of the beets is the most tedious aspect and takes time. In full disclosure, the dish requires more time than I generally devote to a salad, but the final product is worth the energy required.

*Note that the vinaigrette is so yummy that eating it with a spoon is tempting. 

My husband, who is not a fan of beets, says this is a salad even a beet-hater would like — as he has enjoyed it twice in the last two weeks. 

Beet Salad on Whipped Goat Cheese

Serves 8 and adapted from a recipe by Ereka Vetrini.

6-8 medium-sized beets (I prefer using yellow beets when available)

½ cup chopped parsley

1 cup chopped walnuts (preferably toasted)

1 teaspoon salt

2 shallots, thinly sliced

Microgreens (optional)


3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar

½ cup extra virgin olive oil

1 shallot

1 tablespoon honey

½ teaspoon salt

¼ teaspoon pepper

½ teaspoon mustard

Whipped goat cheese:

8 ounces goat cheese

2 cloves chopped garlic

2 finely chopped chives

2 tablespoons lemon juice

¼ cup milk

1 loaf multigrain bread, thinly sliced

1. Preheat oven to 400 F.

2. Remove beet stem. Rinse and scrub beets well. Wrap in aluminum foil and roast in oven for 90 minutes. Once beets have cooked and cooled, remove skin and dice into thumbnail-size chunks and place in bowl.

3. Make vinaigrette and add to beets to let marinate for 30 minutes.

4. Separately, add all ingredients for the whipped goat cheese and blend or use food processor.

5. Spread goat cheese over large plate.

6. Add walnuts, parsley, salt and sliced shallots and lightly toss.

7. Top the goat cheese with beet salad. Finish with microgreens if desired.

8. Serve with thinly sliced and toasted multigrain bread. 

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