Onward and upward at Westlake high school

WALK OF LIFE—Graduates proceed to Westlake High School’s 45th annual commencement ceremony on June 13. Top right, Brandon Barrett feels the power after receiving his diploma. At right, girls rock. Conejo Valley school district grads also participated in a Senior Walk, where they could go back to the halls of their elementary alma maters, a CVUSD tradition. MICHAEL COONS/Acorn Newspapers

WALK OF LIFE—Graduates proceed to Westlake High School’s 45th annual commencement ceremony on June 13. Conejo Valley school district grads also participated in a Senior Walk, where they could go back to the halls of their elementary alma maters, a CVUSD tradition. MICHAEL COONS/Acorn Newspapers


Brandon Barrett feels the power after receiving his diploma.


Girls rock.