Faithful Calabasas

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS—At top, musician Moshe Storch and his band perform as fireworks light up the night sky during The Commons Menorah Lighting Ceremony Dec. 12 in Calabasas. Center right, Rabbi Kipnes and Shalev Soloway, 7, celebrate the sixth night of Hanukkah during the annual celebration. Above, local government and religious leaders light the giant menorah. Hanukkah this year ran from Dec. 7 through Dec. 15. Photos by MICHAEL COONS/Acorn Newspapers

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS—Musician Moshe Storch and his band perform as fireworks light up the night sky during The Commons Menorah Lighting Ceremony Dec. 12 in Calabasas. Photos by MICHAEL COONS/Acorn Newspapers


Rabbi Kipnes and Shalev Soloway, 7, celebrate the sixth night of Hanukkah during the annual celebration.


Local government and religious leaders light the giant menorah. Hanukkah this year ran from Dec. 7 through Dec. 15.