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How Putin is using Hitler’s tactics to break Ukraine like Blitz Britain with suicide drones likened to Nazis’ V1 rockets

DESPERATE Vladimir Putin is behaving like Hitler as he unleashes killer suicide drones similar to the terrifying rockets used in the Second World War, experts have warned.

The Russian dictator launched a kamikaze drone blitz on Kyiv on Monday as multiple blasts rocked the centre of Ukraine's capital for the second time in a week.


Russia has bombarded civilians in Kyiv and other major cities with the Iranian-made drones after Ukraine blew up a bridge linking Russian to annexed Crimea.

Fears are growing Putin is stepping up his drone blitz as elite Iranian troops are now reportedly training Russian forces on how to operate the killer drones - known as Shahed-136.

The self-destroying drone was developed as a suicide aircraft that could loiter above targets before striking them.

Guided by satellite navigation, the drones come equipped with an explosive warhead and can fly at a range of up to 2,500km at 185km/h.

Read more on the Ukraine war

Weapons expert have compared kamikaze drones to the terrifying V1 or V2 rockets - the first cruise missiles - used by Hitler in the Second World War.

The V1 rocket - known as the Doodlebug thanks to its distinctive sound - was used in attacks in the UK and mainland Europe in the later days of the war.

It's believed thousands of V2 rockets were launched by the Germans during the war causing around 9,000 deaths in the UK alone.

Hamish de Bretton-Gordon, former chief of the British Army's chemical weapons unit, said Putin is now deploying similar tactics to Hitler as he faces huge losses on the battlefield.

Mr Bretton-Gordon said the use of the drones is the "next development" in Putin's war as he warned the tyrant will "use anything to win in Ukraine".

He told The Sun Online: "There are a lot of parallels. Putin is hunkered down in his lair as Hitler was, and he's the same autocratic tyrant Hitler was.

"Hitler started chucking V1 and V2 bombs later in the war when he was losing ground to try and break the will of the people to resist.

"The reason Putin is doing this now is because the second most powerful military in the world has been defeated by a much smaller military, so he can’t defeat the soldiers on the frontline, so he’s now trying to kill their families.

"When you have no morals, you are not constrained by any fears of collateral damage.

"We need to be alive to the fact that Putin will use anything to win in Ukraine – he is losing, he’s clinging on by his fingernails.

"But what's next? Kamikaze drones are not going to win the war for Putin, so he will have to escalate things."

Mr Bretton-Gordon said Putin has "no limits" - and warned the world should be "prepared for anything" as the tyrant continues to bomb civilians - just like Hitler did.

"One is just hoping there are a few good men and women in the Kremlin who will prevent him using the ultimate weapons," he said.

Ashok Swain, professor of peace and conflict research at Sweden's Uppsala University, said the only difference between Putin and Hitler is the mass of nuclear weapons at the Russian leader's fingertips.

He told The Sun Online: "Suicide drones supplied by Iran are now being used by Russia as the kamikaze aircrafts that were used in the Second World War by Germany.

"Putin’s tactics are similar to Hitler’s - annexing other countries, destroying other territories.

"Like Hitler, he's using the war for the expansion of his country, and considers his ethno-racial group superior than others.

"He doesn't follow the established rules, norms and practices while fighting the war as he repeatedly bombs civilian infrastructures, including hospital and schools.

"But the difference between Putin and Hitler is Hitler didn’t have 6,000 nuclear weapons."

A kamikaze drone just moments before it fired on buildings in Kyiv
A kamikaze drone just moments before it fired on buildings in Kyiv
A German V1 rocket, which was known as the Doodlebug thanks to its distinctive sound
A German V1 rocket, which was known as the Doodlebug thanks to its distinctive soundCredit: Alamy
Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped up his attacks in Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin has stepped up his attacks in UkraineCredit: Reuters
Putin has been compared to Adolf Hitler for his Ukraine tactics
Putin has been compared to Adolf Hitler for his Ukraine tacticsCredit: Getty
The damage on a street in Kyiv from a kamikaze drone strike
The damage on a street in Kyiv from a kamikaze drone strikeCredit: EPA
A Nazi V1 rocket
A Nazi V1 rocketCredit: Alamy
The scene in Farringdon Road, London, after a V2 rocket attack on March 8, 1945
The scene in Farringdon Road, London, after a V2 rocket attack on March 8, 1945Credit: Hulton Archive - Getty

Dr Matthew Powell, an expert in power and strategic studies at the Royal Air Force College and the University of Portsmouth, said Putin's new drones sound like small light propeller aircraft - but are more accurate thanks to precise GPS systems.

He told the Daily Star: "What we really see is that this is a development from the V1 or V2 rockets used in the Second World War.

"But with more sophisticated technology, better propulsion."

He said they would be most effective against "attack formations in the field".

Dr Powell added: "You don't have any controls from the ground with this apart from the GPS signal and the targeting that you have but it can stay in the air for a prolonged period of time causing confusion amongst air defence.

"You're not sure what he's going to target until potentially the last minute."

The use of kamikaze drones in the past has been seen by Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels.

Up to 50 Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps specialists have joined Russian forces on the southern and eastern front of Ukraine with hundreds of the killer drones, The Daily Mirror reported.

A Ukrainian military source claimed "at least one of the Iranian training teams has been hit recently and they are actively being hunted down".

“We have been concerned for some time that IRGC specialists are helping Russia in their terrible attacks on civilians and they are of course being targeted."

While Iran denied any involvement in the conflict, the source alleged Putin's senior commanders signed up the IRGC troops, which they claimed are based in Dzankoi in Crimea and Kherson in Ukraine's south.

Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky's allies have vowed to supply his army with advanced air defense systems to counteract Russia's use of Iranian kamikaze drones, and missiles.

The UK this week announced it would provide ground-to-air AMRAAM rockets and hundreds of aerial drones for information-gathering and logistics support, plus 18 howitzer artillery guns.

Read More on The US Sun

The rockets will work with American NASAMS air defence systems and are due to arrive within weeks.

Several residential buildings were damaged by drone attacks in Kyiv
Several residential buildings were damaged by drone attacks in KyivCredit: EPA
The use of V1 rockets accelerated towards the end of the Second World War
The use of V1 rockets accelerated towards the end of the Second World WarCredit: Alamy
