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THIS could be the beginning of a revolution – of which we have no full idea yet of what lies ahead. It is the total eclipse of the Tory Party.

The big question is who becomes the Tory leader now?

Nigel Farage is projected to  become an MP for the first time
Nigel Farage is projected to become an MP for the first timeCredit: Louis Wood

The other question is what does Nigel Farage do with this genuine platform that he’s now built in Parliament and will deploy?

He will use it to the maximum to leverage his position.

And because Farage has the charisma that he has, I think that he will eclipse whoever becomes the next Tory leader.

I think that we are looking at a parliament in which Nigel Farage will run rampage.

Farage as an MEP really set the fire alight in Brussels and that’s what he’s going to do in Parliament.

Nigel Farage can’t hide anymore – he must FINALLY be held accountable, blasts Piers Morgan

PIERS Morgan says the election has been a disaster for the Tories but now the pressure is on Sir Keir Starmer to deliver after changing Labour.

The exit poll projects the opposition leader to thunder into Downing Street with a 170 seat majority, eclipsing even that of Tony Blair’s 1997 rout.

Meanwhile, PM Rishi Sunak is heading towards an historic hammering.

The Sun's political editor Harry Cole hosted a star-studded panel of experts - including Morgan - live from our HQ in London Bridge for snap reaction as the vote closed at 10pm.

Morgan said Starmer has taken his party from "unelectable" under previous leader Jeremy Corbyn to on the brink of handing the Tories their worst defeat in over a century.

Nigel Farage heads to Clacton for one last Reform rally before voting

He said: "It's an earthquake. This is a political and social earthquake for this country, the likes of which I haven't seen in my lifetime.

On a historic night:

"I think, first of all, you have to say congratulations to Keir Starmer, who has taken the party from being completely unelectable under Jeremy Corbyn to being a party with this gigantic majority.

"Of course there's now huge pressure on him to deliver on the faith that the electorate has shown him.

"A disaster for the Conservative Party which cannot be understated. Whichever way you look at this, it's a seismic night."



By Kate Ferguson, Political Editor Sun on Sunday

BRITAIN will wake up tomorrow to a political earthquake.

If the exit poll is right, Labour have stormed to victory with their biggest majority in their 100 year history.

It is a jaw-dropping turnaround from the dark days of the Jeremy Corbyn era of 209, when the party suffered their worst result in history.

The Tories look set to be decimated. The most successful political party in Europe has been reduced to just a rump of 131 MPs.

Be in no doubt - this is a nightmare for the Conservative Party. They now face the painful task of having to rebuild and choose a new leader.

But the big story of the night is Nigel Farage’s Reform party, who are expected to win a staggering 13 seats.

This political maverick has lobbed a grenade into Westminster - and he is only just getting started.

Reform is expected to win the key seat of Hartlepool - the Red Wall seat in Labour’s old heartlands which turned Tory under Boris Johnson.

Nigel, 60, the godfather of Brexit, is a charismatic leader well trained in waging war on ‘political elites’  from his days in the European Parliament.
He had run and failed to become an MP seven times before.

He has finally won on the eighth  attempt - and looks set to have a dozen Reform MPs with him.

He has the potential to change the face of politics forever.

Sir Keir Starmer and the next leader of the Tories - whoever that may be - should brace themselves.
