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Everyone sees the rocks – but you’ve got high IQ and 20/20 vision if you can find the hidden bird in 10secs

Even the photographer struggled to find the bird

PUZZLE players are racking their brains to find the bird in this photo.

A photo has resurfaced online showing a beautiful rocky landscape, but people struggle to find the animal hidden in plain sight.

Are you able to spot the bird hidden in the rocky hillside?
Are you able to spot the bird hidden in the rocky hillside?Credit: Caters News Agency

The photo, captured by Belgian photographer Laurence Debailleul, shows his view of Ben Wyvis in North Inverness.

At first, most people will notice the rocky hillside with grass and moss scattered around the area.

However, amid this natural view, is a bird waiting to be found.

Do you think you can find it in under 10 seconds?

Read More on Puzzles

Laurence admitted that he had a hard time finding the bird while taking the photo.

"I first heard the noise of the birds but struggled to spot them – then I saw four of them blending into the background," he said.

"I took some pictures in the hope I might capture one of them.

"As I looked through my photos from the day I thought I'd missed them but just as I was about to hit delete I spotted it."

This brainteaser is especially difficult because of how perfectly the bird blends into the rocks along the hillside.

However, if you are able to find the bird, you could consider yourself a genius with eyes like a hawk.

You have 20-20 vision if you can spot the only strawberry without a stem in tricky brainteaser in under 15 seconds

Set your timer and see how well you can do!

Once you're done you can scroll down and check your answer, but first try another optical illusion to test your wits.

Next, see if you can spot the deer hiding in this rocky landscape in less than five seconds.

Do you think you can find the deers before the clock runs out?
Do you think you can find the deers before the clock runs out?Credit: Caters News Agency
The deer blended almost perfectly into their surroundings making it harder to spot
The deer blended almost perfectly into their surroundings making it harder to spotCredit: Caters News Agency

The next two photos might be an even harder brainteaser to crack.

The science behind optical illusions

This brief explanation may help to unscramble your brain...

  • Optical illusions make a little bit more sense when you learn that our eyes have very little to do with what we see and it is our brains that play the key role in creating images and trying to protect us from the potential threats around us
  • Our brain is constantly trying to make sense of the world at the quickest pace it can despite the world being in 3D and the images on our retinas being in 2D
  • It can be really difficult for your brain to interpret everything at once so it will often take shortcuts and give you a simplified version of what you see so you can have quicker reaction times if the object you’re looking at looks dangerous
  • When you look at an object what you’re really seeing is the light that bounced off of it and entered your eye, which is converted into electrical impulses that your brain then turns into an image
  • Our brains can warp straight lines if an object in the middle of them looks like it’s drawing closer as it wants to emphasize the potential threat
  • Different colours and light and dark can make the same sized objects look different or make patterned images look like they’re spinning

Within these two photos are two klipspringers, a type of small antelope.

They can blend perfectly within their surroundings and it's easy to miss them.

Roan du Plessis, 32, was shocked when they realized what was right in front of them while guiding a safari Ngala Private Game reserve.

"One of my guests actually spotted them first and exclaimed 'What's that?'" Roan said.

"My initial thought was that she might have seen a leopard since that is what we were looking for, but I was pleasantly surprised to see this pair as I haven't seen them in nearly half a year.

"Rocky cliff faces is their natural habitat, with incredible maneuverability on rocky outcrops," Roan continued.

"Although I didn't go into that area specifically looking for klipspringers, once we saw them, I planned on showcasing the incredible camouflage of these tiny antelopes.

"What I love most about these images is the ability of these animals to blend so well into their natural environment."

Do you think you can spot the deer?

Read More on The US Sun

Test yourself and see if you're one of the small few who can find them with seconds to spare.

Then scroll down and check your answer.

The first deer was wondering along the hillside when the photo was taken
The first deer was wondering along the hillside when the photo was takenCredit: Caters News Agency
The second deer was staring right at the photographer as they took a photo
The second deer was staring right at the photographer as they took a photoCredit: Caters News Agency
The bird was located at the left of the photo, in front of the rocky hillside
The bird was located at the left of the photo, in front of the rocky hillsideCredit: Caters