TESL Canada Journal
The TESL Canada Journal, established in 1984, is a refereed journal for practicing teachers, teacher educators, graduate students, and researchers. Click to read more...
To keep your TESL Canada Certificate valid you must be a member in good standing of TESL Canada. Click to read more...
SHARE has articles with practical teaching ideas for the ESL classroom, classroom technology, opportunties across Canada for professional development, and more. Click to read more...
This is TESL Canada’s charitable arm. The TCEF collects donations and fundraises to support travel grants, TESL Certificate Trainee Scholarships, and more. Click to read more...
TESL Canada is pleased to announce a professional certification pathway to Standard 2 for Standard 1 holders. This pathway allows Standard 1 holders who are actively involved in teaching ESL and in professional development to upgrade to Standard 2 without completing a Standard 2 recognized training program. Click on Certification tab for more info.

Anti-Racism Statement

TESL Canada is comprised of, and supports the active expression of, different voices, identities, cultures and worldviews. This is part of our identity as an organization. The TESL Canada National Board knows that Black Lives Matter and Indigenous Lives Matter. We stand against racism, discrimination and injustice in all their forms, and commit to reviewing our policies and practices with an anti-racist lens and to promoting anti-racist pedagogies. We ask that our members continue to hold us accountable in this commitment.