Tenn. Gov. Lee's claim school choice is a 'civil rights issue' debated
Letters to the editor 
Kamala Harris can win. Here’s why
Myron B. Pitts 
Attempt against Trump's life failed to unite Americans. It should have
Scott R. Hammond 
Politicians say we should tone down the rhetoric, but they're wrong
Cameron Smith 
Education has become muddled with politics -- let's put the kids first
Shani Dowell 
Zulfat Suara exemplified courage confronting hate groups in Nashville
1.7M Tennesseans live with a disability. Their needs are not 'special'
Carol Westlake 
Blackburn: America needs robust, bipartisan and respectful debate
Marsha Blackburn 
Grace and gratitude should guide our politics and here's how they can
Sam Daley-Harris 
13th Amendment was among Reconstruction revisions after Civil War
Paul G. Summers 
Presidential debates are a form of (anti)social media | George Korda
Is Joe Biden still up for the job as president? Readers disagree
Carol Tures and Chris Simpson 
School choice is not the civil rights issue Gov. Bill Lee claims it is
Hugh LaFollette 
Chess and music therapy help with students' mental health needs
Mike Sparks 
TSU Tigerbelles won Olympic medals and still make Tennessee proud
Bo Roberts 
Trump assassination attempt made awful week in politics even worse
William Lyons 
Stop hating on Ingrid Andress for her poor national anthem performance
Andrea Williams 
Sen. Blackburn proved she’s all-in for Trump at the RNC
Hate speech is protected. So is calling out bigots.
Elena Wilson 
Trump picks Vance for VP, cementing MAGA’s succession plan
Dace Potas 
There's no moral equivalency between Trump and Biden's rhetoric
Phyllis Gobbell 
Trump's critics need to stop hating on him and start praying
Donna Anderson 
President Andrew Jackson was also nearly killed by an assassin
Mark Cheathem 
How to make transition from your employer's health plan to Medicare
Matt Berger 
American republic will survive. Seek wisdom from TN Sen. Howard Baker
Lamar Alexander