7 Ways to Get Rid of Cramps at Home, According to an Expert

From applying heat to tea, comfort is on the way.
Sad woman lying on sofa at home.
Sad woman lying on sofa at home.Maria Korneeva

Pain is a spectrum, we all know this. What feels like a 3 out of 10 on your pain scale may be a 15 for others. But one thing we can all agree on is that period pain is a special kind of discomfort. For many, the discomfort can be alleviated at home through a few methods (heating pads, light exercise, warm drinks). For others, it may require a visit to your doctor to get a better picture of what’s happening inside your body. 

Either way, we want to bring you some period pain relief. To help you build up an at-home strategy for getting rid of period cramps, we spoke to an expert: Stefanie Valakas, an accredited practicing dietitian and nutritionist with a special interest in endometriosis and reproductive health, and the founder of The Dietologist.

But first, let’s dig into the basics before jumping into tips for how to get rid of period pain.

What causes period cramps?

There’s a lot going on when you’re feeling those crampy feelings, and it’s important to know the root of the pain to help ease your mind when it happens. “Period cramps are typically caused by a group of chemical messengers called prostaglandins,” says Valakas. “These are released in the lead-up to your period and cause the uterine muscle to contract to help shed the lining.” It’s a completely natural body function, but it can be scary if you’re feeling them for the first time or if they feel worse than usual. “Prostaglandins can also act on the smooth muscle of the bowel which can contribute to changes in your toileting routine, fondly referred to as ‘period poops.’ People with endometriosis, adenomyosis and other medical conditions may experience more intense pain with period cramps, as well as other pelvic pain throughout the mesntrual cycle.”

How to get rid of period cramps fast at home

Getting rid of period cramps fast isn’t a promise any doctor can make alongside their recommendations. Keep that in mind as you try take the expert advice ahead. But don’t let the pain take over—try out these seven tips to try and give yourself a little bit of relief.

Use a heat pack

This is likely the advice you’ve heard from your mom, or any adult who has had a period. Some will use a heating pad, but Valakas has another recommendation: “Avoid burns by using a heat pack rather than a hot water bottle.”

Enjoy a hot cup of tea

This option is especially delicious. “Have some tea, especially ginger, which has been researched to help reduce period pain,” says Valakas. Turn it into a ritual and find one you really love. Give it a corner in your cabinet—with some local honey—so you have something to (kind of) look forward to when the cramps come knocking on your door.

Take some preventative OTC painkillers

Over-the-counter painkillers like Ibuprofen can really help take the edge off of your pain. “Chat to your health care provider first, however, many experience some relief with anti-inflammatory painkillers.” It’s best to take these at the very first sign of cramping, so you can kick it before it really starts to rage.

Rest up!

“It seems simple but resting can make a world of difference when you're in pain,” says Valakas. Get in a comfortable position that works for you and ride it out into snooze-town. There are a few positions that ease period cramp pain, like the fetal position or child’s pose, but you may want to try a few to see what works for you. 

Take a (gentle) walk

If you’re laying in bed writhing in pain, this may seem pretty impossible. But get up, take it one step at a time, and you’ll find out really quick if this method is going to work for you. “This may help reduce your pain, and help to get some feel-good endorphins pumping,” says Valakas.

Consider using some CBD

Consult with your parents and doctor before digging too far into CBD. “New research is emerging on the benefits and role of CBD for period pain, especially for those with chronic pain conditions like endometriosis,” says Valakas. “The jury is still out, officially, so working with your health care provider for safe access to CBD products and determining if they are right for you is key.”

Look into getting a TENS machine.

If the usual at-home cramp relief methods are getting the job done, consider investing in a transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) machine. “It’s a small device that you can clip to your pants with two small stick on patches you can place on your lower abdomen or lower back,” says Valakas. “It helps period pain by sending electrical signals to disrupt the nervous system signals feeding back to your brain saying it’s in pain. Without these signals, pain typically reduces.” Make sure you talk to your doctor and dig into user reviews before making a decision—some are designed to be more comfortable than others.

Long-term recommendations for curbing period pain

“Managing period pain is more than just what we do on the days we are experiencing cramping, it's about what we are doing each day, month-round,” says Valakas. Many believe that period cramping can be linked to certain foods. Ahead, Valakas shared some things to consider if you’re experiencing ongoing cramping and are looking to switch up your meals a bit.

Focus on foods rich in omega-3s 

“Eat oily fish like salmon, ocean trout, sardines & anchovies at least twice per week,” Valakas says. “These can help reduce some of those pesky prostaglandins causing you pain. If you're vegetarian, including chia seeds, walnuts, hemp seeds and flaxseeds is a great start, but also chat to your health care provider about a supplement to help meet your needs.”

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