Workshops Catalog

Tandem offers a variety of interactive workshops!

We offer workshops in a variety of early learning topics listed below. Read our reviews and watch our “Talking about the Tough Stuff” and “The Magic of Storytime” webinars on Alameda County First 5’s YouTube channel.

See the database below for our menu of workshops. Sort results to search by workshop topic, audience, or language availability. Click any card to view full workshop descriptions and additional details.

Contact us to schedule virtual workshops for educators, family support professionals and caregivers, or families you serve.

Our Reviews

The presenter did a great job in explaining how trauma affects key areas of the child’s brain. Her explanations and scenarios had a real meaningful impact and gave me the ability to really connect with the content of the training. I also appreciated that we were able to participate with the chat box and polls.
Parent, "Talking About the Tough Stuff" webinar attendee

I enjoyed how interactive it was, I appreciated the reading demonstration and having us deduce what skills were employed during the reading. I feel like I came away with simple tools and skills that can be easily implemented.
Educator, "The Magic of Storytime" webinar attendee

This will be most helpful as I have three children of my own and tantrums happen more than I like to admit. So I can use what I’ve learned on self-regulation and resilience strategies in my home. But I’m also a student at Chabot. I am currently taking ECD classes. What I have learned today will not only help me with my own children, but also with the child I intend to teach. Thank you!
Parent, "Talking about the Tough Stuff" webinar attendee

The training was very useful in that we were asked to analyze real illustrations from real books. We were able to directly work with materials similar to those we will use in the classroom. We were also able to see directly how much better our skills were after the training. I felt like I came away with concrete ways to include social-emotional learning into storytelling. I also didn’t feel overwhelmed by the information, and I liked how engaging it was.
Family Support Professional, "Sharing Stories, Sharing Feelings" webinar attendee

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