Our Book Collection

A children’s book is a powerful tool…

At Tandem, we believe in the importance of book sharing. To promote conversations that support language, literacy, math, and social-emotional development, we provide families with high-quality books that foster critical thinking, inclusivity, and empathy in children.

Tandem takes great pride in the quality of our book collection, and we carefully review each title. The books we choose provide authentic mirrors, windows, and doors for the children and families in our communities.


What kinds of books are in the Tandem collection?

Our collection relies on high-quality books that make room for everyone and intentionally reflect the cultural and linguistic diversity of the communities Tandem serves. Following Dr. Rudine Sims Bishop’s guidelines, we look for books with:

Explore our collection

Check out a small selection of our ever-growing book collection and our accompanying storytime videos. Each storytime focuses on building a specific skill included in the California Preschool Learning Foundations. and includes vocabulary suggestions, conversation starters, and activity suggestions designed to keep the learning going well beyond storytime.

Our Recommended Booklists

A cornerstone of Tandem’s work is the enduring idea that books should reflect children’s lived experiences and introduce them to the lived experiences of others. And that’s the spirit behind our booklists. Check out the booklists below for recommended titles and tips for sharing each book with a young child in your life.

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