Early education is a social justice issue 

Children and families in California do not have equitable access to high-quality early childhood education. Only 22% of 3-year olds and 46% of 4-year olds are enrolled in California public early childhood education programs. Additionally, quality varies widely. These barriers lead to later academic disparities, especially for children impacted by racism, poverty, and other systemic failures. 

Equitable, high-quality early learning experiences

Despite systemic challenges, the Bay Area has a strong community of early childhood education providers and family-serving nonprofits. We work alongside these providers to co-create programming that meets their needs. 

Multi-Generational Learning

Families are a child’s first and most impactful teachers. That’s why engaging and supporting parents and caregivers is critical. Tandem’s programs build a home-to-school partnership so all of the adults in a child’s life are well-prepared to support early learning and development.

Read more about our impact in our annual reports and our longitudinal StoryCyles impact report.

StoryCycles parents and caregivers engage in more interactive reading behaviors.
90% of participating caregivers spend more time pointing out pictures, letters and new words to their children while reading.
89% spent more time talking about what happened in the story after completing a book.
“I like when [my children] ask me to read because before it was like a chore. I had to bribe them to come and sit for a story. Now I have to make an excuse to stop reading to cook or give baths, etc….it’s great!”  — StoryCycles family
“StoryCycles is the most effective school/home connection we have.” Head Start educator
Research shows that the number of books and print materials in the home has a positive influence on literacy skills and attitude towards reading (James 2010).
Towards the goal of building literacy-rich environments for children, Tandem distributes books widely at community events. Each book is accompanied by tips for interactive book-sharing practices.
Each year, over 3,500 educators and nonprofit staff participate in Tandem professional development. 
98% of participants feel confident in implementing techniques learned in Tandem workshops.
Tandem Literacy Champions are agents of change in their own communities. Literacy Champions help to amplify Tandem’s impact in the community by facilitating early learning events and sharing resources within their own networks.
The number of books and print materials in the home has a positive influence on literacy skills. This effect increases when caregivers receive input on the importance of shared book reading as a vital component of effective caretaking of young children.
Through family workshops and interactive play-and-learn groups, Tandem works with families to build on and strengthen their early learning practices.
Early math skills are associated with positive long-term learning outcomes for children. In partnership with researchers, Tandem created early math activities to engage families. The activities help families build the foundations of math through play and everyday interactions.


Photograph by Drew Bird Photography

“I love StoryCycles because kids love the responsibility of taking care of the book bag, and the parent and the child get to have a moment together when reading books. Books are a great way to get families together!”

StoryCycles participant

“Literacy Champions has helped me to develop my 4-year-old son’s literacy skills, and now he can read me a whole book by just looking at the pictures even though he can’t read the words yet. Thanks to this program I’ve gotten really involved in early learning.”
Albertina Ulloa

Literacy Champions participant

“Tandem’s work in the community is heartfelt, meaningful, and impactful. And as an independent author, their support is appreciated.”


Dr. Khalid White

Children's book author

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