

This page shows the organisations we have supported since 2010. The map below details partners we are currently funding (click on a partner to find out more). Use the filters below the map to show partners by Programme, Year(s) Funded, Ecosystem, Geographic location or Species.

Act Now!

Act NOW! aims to advance a just and equitable society in Papua New Guinea (PNG) by supporting the national campaigns tha…

Amazon Watch

Amazon Watch works to promote human rights, corporate accountability and the preservation of the Amazon’s ecological s…

Amphibian Survival Alliance

The Amphibian Survival Alliance (ASA) is a partnership of organisations working to implement conservation actions and re…

Asociación Pro Fauna Silvestre – Ayacucho

Asociación Pro Fauna Silvestre – Ayacucho supports environmental management, Indigenous People’s rights, and resear…

Association Okani

OKANI is a community-based organisation based in the Eastern region of Cameroon established and governed by Baka peoples…

BirdLife International

The islands of São Tomé and Principe, off the coast of West Africa, are one of the continent’s major centres of …

Bismarck Ramu Group

In Papua New Guinea, the Bismarck Ramu Group (BRG) mobilises local and national concerns, such as seabed mining and larg…

Canopy Planet

Canopy Planet is working with the forest industry’s biggest customers and suppliers to develop business solutions that…

Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP)

The Chepkitale Indigenous People Development Project (CIPDP) is working to secure recognition of the Ogiek community’s…

Chester Zoo

Along with being a much-loved zoo in the North of England, Chester Zoo is registered organisation that fights species ex…

Coalition des Femmes Leaders pour l’Environnement et le Développement Durable (CFLEDD)

The Coalition of Female Leaders for the Environment and Sustainable Development (CFLEDD) was established in 2011 as a pl…

Someone is painting someone else's face with thin black lines horizontally across their nose and cheekbones.

Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY)

Comissão Guarani Yvyrupa (CGY) is an Indigenous organisation that unites Brazil's Mbya and Avá Guarani people in the s…

Small salamander with pale blue stomach and brown and black speckled back, snaking along the surface of a leaf.

Conservación de Anfibios

Conservación de Anfibios protects eight hectares of Mexican cloud forest, with a focus on the many amphibian species wh…

Two Indigenous women collecting non-timber forest products

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY)

Dignité Pygmée (DIPY) is a non-profit advocacy group which promotes the equality of native Indigenous Peoples in the D…

Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones

Dynamique des Groupes des Peuples Autochtones (DGPA) is a network of around 45 organisations, including indigenous fores…

Endangered Wildlife Trust

The Endangered Wildlife Trust is a South African conservation organisation dedicated to conserving threatened species an…

Field Advisory Legality Group

Field Legality Advisory Group (FLAG) was established by a group of three Cameroonian experts in 2012 to build the capac…

Forest Peoples Programme

Forest Peoples Programme (FPP) works across the tropics to ensure that forest peoples are able to secure their land righ…

Foundation for Ecodevelopment and Conservation (FUNDAECO)

FUNDAECO is one of the main conservation organizations in Guatemala, working to conserve biodiversity and promote sustai…

Fundación Jocotoco

Fundación Jocotoco is an Ecuadorian non-profit organisation whose mission is to protect the most threatened species and…

Fundación Pachamama

Fundación Pachamama works to permanently protect the headwaters and indigenous territories in the Ecuadorian Amazon.…

Genetic Resources Action International (GRAIN)

GRAIN is an international NGO that began in the 1980s as a coalition of likeminded people doing research, advocacy and l…

Global Canopy Programme

The Global Canopy Programme is an alliance of scientific institutions around the world, applying the tropical forest int…

Green Development Advocates

Green Development Advocates (GDA) is a Cameroonian organisation which works with forest communities and indigenous peopl…


Greenpeace is an independent global campaigning organisation that acts to change attitudes and behaviour, to protect and…


GreenViet is taking action to help communities understand and respect biodiversity in Central Vietnam and Central Highla…

Herp Conservation Ghana

Herp Conservation Ghana (Herp-Ghana) is a registered non-governmental, non-profit organisation dedicated to amphibian an…

HUTAN-Kinabatangan Orangutan Conservation Project

Hutan was founded in 1998 by Drs. Isabelle Lackman and Marc Ancrenaz with a primary focus on orang-utan research. Since …

Instituto Biotrópicos

Instituto Biotrópicos is a Brazilian environmental organisation, founded to promote science-based conservation action.…

Instituto Curicaca

Instituto Curicaca is a Brazilian NGO that works for the conservation of nature, the appreciation of culture and the pro…

International Tree Foundation

International Tree Foundation (ITF) has worked for more than 80 years, supporting community forestry projects in the UK …

IUCN Orchid Specialists Group (OSG)

The IUCN Orchid Specialists Group is a network committed to the conservation and sustainable utilisation of orchid speci…

IUCN SSC Amphibian Red List Authority

The International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Species Survival Commission (SSC) Amphibian Red List Autho…

IUCN SSC Primate Specialist Group Section on Small Apes

The IUCN SSC PSG Section on Small Apes (SSA) is a global network of experts collaboratively taking necessary and tangibl…


LifeMosaic supports communities and movements to protect their rights, cultures, and territories, and to determine their…

Maria holding a salamander

María Chang

María Chang is establishing an organisation which will protect amphibians and reptiles in the cloud forests of Guatemal…

Mbou Mon Tour

Mbou Mon Tour is a group of communities working in Mai Ndombe, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), to protect forests an…

Miaro Ny Sahona (MISA)

Miaro Ny Sahona (MISA) is currently being established as the first hub for amphibian conservation in Madagascar.…

An okapi

Okapi Conservation Project

The Okapi Conservation Project (OCP) works to conserve the rainforest and wildlife of the Okapi Wildlife Reserve through…

A woman in a hijab shows a student an educational poster

PROGRES Sulawesi

PROGRES Sulawesi are dedicated to building a network of empowered communities to protect Sulawesi wildlife, so that natu…

Project Palaka

Project Palaka is the first ex-situ amphibian conservation program in the Philippines.…

A large sculpture of a human hand is holding a footbridge up with people crossing it and forests below

Rainforest Action Network

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate powe…

Rainforest Foundation UK

Rainforest Foundation UK (RFUK) works with local civil society groups to challenge destructive models of development and…

Reseau CREF

Réseau CREF (Network for the Conservation and Restoration of Forest Ecosystems) is a coalition of around 30 local organ…

A camera trap image of a saola standing in a pond in the middle of a forest. It is the size of a large dog and resembles a dark brown antelope, with a sloping back, black legs, long straight horns which grow backwards from the top of its head and white facial markings.

Saola Foundation

Saola Foundation is a US registered organisation devoted to saving saola and advancing conservation of the Annamite Moun…

Joko Guntoro holding a terrapin

SatuCita Foundation

The SatuCita Foundation focuses on conserving turtles, tortoises, and nature in Indonesia, especially in North Sumatra.…

Save Ghana Frogs

Save Ghana Frogs, founded in 2011, is the only environmental NGO in Ghana to exclusively dedicate itself to the conserva…

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife

Save Vietnam’s Wildlife (SVW) was established to secure a future for Vietnam’s wildlife. SVW protects and increases …

Struggle to Economize Future Environment

Struggle to Economize Future Environment (SEFE) is a grassroots NGO which mobilises communities in Southwest Cameroon to…

Sustainable Development Institute

Sustainable Development Institute (SDI) works at the local and national level to improve forest governance by securing c…

Talarak Foundation Inc.

Talarak Foundation Inc. works on the Philippine island of Negros to rescue, rehabilitate and protect threatened local sp…

Tesoro Escondido

The Ecuadorian province of Esmereldas is home to Tesoro Escondido, a wildlife sanctuary. The reserve was established as …


TFT (formerly the Tropical Forest Trust) addresses deforestation by working with forest companies to help them transform…

Well Grounded

Well Grounded works across the Congo Basin for civil society organisations (CSOs) to provide organisation and strategy d…

Groups of people in a workshop to prevent and respond to sexual harassment.


WildAct is a not-for-profit organisation in Vietnam providing conservation education to motivate and engage local people…

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