Getting Started

Installing Swift

To kickstart your journey, install Swift to begin using it on macOS, Linux, or Windows.

Tip: To test that you have Swift installed, run swift --version from your shell or terminal app.

Swift comes bundled with the Swift Package Manager (SwiftPM) that manages the distribution of Swift code. It allows easy importing of other Swift packages into your applications and libraries, making it a valuable tool for any Swift developer.

Swift is covered by the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Using Swift

Here are some examples of the many use cases of Swift, in case you want to jump in and start writing some code right away.

Looking for a language reference? The Swift Programming Language (TSPL) book is available in multiple languages.

Go Further

Ready to dive deeper? Here are some hand-picked resources covering various Swift features.

Looking for even more? In the documentation you can find resources, references, and guidelines related to the Swift project, including the API Design Guidelines.