170 Laureates Supporting Precision Agriculture (GMOs)

Peter Agre 2003 Chemistry
Zhores I. Alferov * 2000 Physics
Sidney Altman * 1989 Chemistry
Hiroshi Amano 2014 Physics
Werner Arber 1978 Medicine
Frances H. Arnold 2018 Chemistry
Richard Axel 2004 Medicine
David Baltimore 1975 Medicine
Barry Clark Barish 2017 Physics
J. Georg Bednorz 1987 Physics
Paul Berg * 1980 Chemistry
Bruce A. Beutler 2011 Medicine
Gerd Binnig 1986 Physics
J. Michael Bishop 1989 Medicine
Elizabeth H. Blackburn 2009 Medicine
Gunter Blobel * 1999 Medicine
Paul D. Boyer * 1997 Chemistry
Sydney Brenner * 2002 Medicine
Louis E. Brus 2023 Chemistry
Mario R. Capecchi 2007 Medicine
Thomas R. Cech 1989 Chemistry
Martin Chalfie 2008 Chemistry
Emmanuelle Charpentier 2020 Chemistry
Steven Chu 1997 Physics
Aaron Ciechanover 2004 Chemistry
Claude Cohen-Tannoudji 1997 Physics
Leon N. Cooper 1972 Physics
Elias James Corey 1990 Chemistry
Robert F. Curl Jr. * 1996 Chemistry
Sir Angus S. Deaton 2015 Economics
Johann Deisenhofer 1988 Chemistry
Peter C. Doherty 1996 Medicine
Jennifer A. Doudna 2020 Chemistry
Richard R. Ernst * 1991 Chemistry
Sir Martin J. Evans 2007 Medicine
Eugene F. Fama 2013 Economics
Bernard L. Feringa 2016 Chemistry
Edmond H. Fischer * 1992 Medicine
Jerome I. Friedman 1990 Physics
Andre Geim 2010 Physics
Ivar Giaever 1973 Physics
Walter Gilbert 1980 Chemistry
Alfred G. Gilman * 1994 Medicine
Sheldon Glashow 1979 Physics
Roy J. Glauber * 2005 Physics
Joseph L. Goldstein 1985 Medicine
Paul Greengard * 2000 Medicine
Carol W. Greider 2009 Medicine
David J. Gross 2004 Physics
Robert H. Grubbs * 2005 Chemistry
Roger Guillemin * 1977 Medicine
Sir John B. Gurdon 2012 Medicine
F. Duncan M. Haldane 2016 Physics
John L. Hall 2005 Physics
Lars Peter Hansen 2013 Economics
Serge Haroche 2012 Physics
Sir Oliver Hart 2016 Economics
Leland H. Hartwell 2001 Medicine
Harald zur Hausen 2008 Medicine
James J. Heckman 2000 Economics
Stefan W. Hell 2014 Chemistry
Richard Henderson 2017 Chemistry
Dudley R. Herschbach 1986 Chemistry
Avram Hershko 2004 Chemistry
Jules A. Hoffmann 2011 Medicine
Tasuku Honjo 2018 Medicine
Gerardus 't Hooft 1999 Physics
H. Robert Horvitz 2002 Medicine
Sir Michael Houghton 2020 Medicine
Robert Huber 1988 Chemistry
Tim Hunt 2001 Medicine
Louis J. Ignarro 1998 Medicine
Elfriede Jelinek 2004 Literature
David Julius 2021 Medicine
William G. Kaelin Jr. 2019 Medicine
Daniel Kahneman * 2002 Economics
Takaaki Kajita 2015 Physics
Eric R. Kandel 2000 Medicine
Katalin Kariko 2023 Medicine
Wolfgang Ketterle 2001 Physics
Klaus von Klitzing 1985 Physics
Aaron Klug * 1982 Chemistry
Brian K. Kobilka 2012 Chemistry
Roger D. Kornberg 2006 Chemistry
J. Michael Kosterlitz 2016 Physics
Herbert Kroemer * 2000 Physics
Finn E. Kydland 2004 Economics
Leon M. Lederman * 1988 Physics
Yuan T. Lee 1986 Chemistry
Robert J. Lefkowitz 2012 Chemistry
Anthony J. Leggett 2003 Physics
Jean-Marie Lehn 1987 Chemistry
Michael Levitt 2013 Chemistry
Tomas Lindahl 2015 Chemistry
Roderick MacKinnon 2003 Chemistry
Rudolph A. Marcus 1992 Chemistry
Barry J. Marshall 2005 Medicine
Eric S. Maskin 2007 Economics
John C. Mather 2006 Physics
Morten Meldal 2022 Chemistry
Craig C. Mello 2006 Medicine
Robert C. Merton 1997 Economics
Hartmut Michel 1988 Chemistry
Paul R. Milgrom 2020 Economics
Sir James Mirrlees * 1996 Economics
Paul L. Modrich 2015 Chemistry
William E. Moerner 2014 Chemistry
Mario J. Molina * 1995 Chemistry
Edvard Moser 2014 Medicine
May-Britt Moser 2014 Medicine
K. Alex Muller * 1987 Physics
Kary B. Mullis * 1993 Chemistry
Ferid Murad * 1998 Medicine
Erwin Neher 1991 Medicine
Konstantin Novoselov 2010 Physics
Ryoji Noyori 2001 Chemistry
Sir Paul Nurse 2001 Medicine
Christiane Nusslein-Volhard 1995 Medicine
Satoshi Omura 2015 Medicine
Ardem Patapoutian 2021 Medicine
Arno Penzias * 1978 Physics
Edmund S. Phelps 2006 Economics
Christopher A. Pissarides 2010 Economics
John C. Polanyi 1986 Chemistry
Edward C. Prescott * 2004 Economics
Stanley B. Prusiner 1997 Medicine
Jose Ramos-Horta 1996 Peace
Charles M. Rice 2020 Medicine
Adam G. Riess 2011 Physics
Sir Richard J. Roberts 1993 Medicine
Michael Rosbash 2017 Medicine
Bert Sakmann 1991 Medicine
Bengt I. Samuelsson * 1982 Medicine
Oscar Arias Sanchez 1987 Peace
Jean-Pierre Sauvage 2016 Chemistry
Randy W. Schekman 2013 Medicine
Thomas C. Schelling * 2005 Economics
Brian P. Schmidt 2011 Physics
Richard R. Schrock 2005 Chemistry
Gregg L. Semenza 2019 Medicine
Phillip A. Sharp 1993 Medicine
K. Barry Sharpless 2001 Chemistry
Barry Sharpless 2022 Chemistry
Dan Shechtman 2011 Chemistry
Vernon L. Smith 2002 Economics
Hamilton O. Smith 1978 Medicine
Oliver Smithies * 2007 Medicine
George F. Smoot 2006 Physics
Thomas A. Steitz * 2009 Chemistry
Sir James Fraser Stoddart 2016 Chemistry
Donna Strickland 2018 Physics
Jack W. Szostak 2009 Medicine
Joseph H. Taylor Jr. 1993 Physics
Daniel C. Tsui 1998 Physics
Harold E. Varmus 1989 Medicine
Sir John E. Walker 1997 Chemistry
J. Robin Warren 2005 Medicine
Arieh Warshel 2013 Chemistry
James Watson 1962 Medicine
Eric F. Wieschaus 1995 Medicine
Torsten N. Wiesel 1981 Medicine
Frank Wilczek 2004 Physics
Robert Woodrow Wilson 1978 Physics
David J. Wineland 2012 Physics
Sir Gregory P. Winter 2018 Chemistry
Kurt Wuthrich 2002 Chemistry
Ada E. Yonath 2009 Chemistry
Michael W. Young 2017 Medicine
Anton Zeilinger 2022 Physics
Rolf M. Zinkernagel 1996 Medicine

NOTE: Alfred G. Gilman, Thomas C. Schelling, Oliver Smithies, Gunter Blobel, Paul D. Boyer, Sir James Mirrlees, Leon M. Lederman, Thomas A. Steitz, Aaron Klug, Roy J. Glauber, Zhores I. Alferov, Sydney Brenner, Paul Greengard, Kary B. Mullis, Mario J. Molina, Richard R. Ernst, Edmond H. Fischer, Robert H. Grubbs, Sidney Altman, Robert F. Curl Jr., Edward C. Prescott, K. Alex Muller, Paul Berg, Harald zur Hausen, Ferid Murad, Arno Penzias, Roger Guillemin, Herbert Kroemer, Daniel Kahneman, and Bengt I. Samuelsson have passed away since signing this letter.