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Restaurants can open at full capacity in Fort Lauderdale; masks still required

After being shut down for several months due to the pandemic, the Elbo Room reopened in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday as the state moved to Phase 3 of its recovery from COVID-19.
Mike Stocker / South Florida Sun Sentinel
After being shut down for several months due to the pandemic, the Elbo Room reopened in Fort Lauderdale on Saturday as the state moved to Phase 3 of its recovery from COVID-19.

Restaurants in Fort Lauderdale will now be allowed to fill all of their tables, as long as they keep them 6 feet apart and people keep their masks on to keep COVID-19 at bay.

Those are the rules Mayor Dean Trantalis put into effect Wednesday, the latest seeking to resolve confusion created Friday by an order from Gov. Ron DeSantis.

DeSantis moved the state into Phase 3 of its pandemic recovery plan by ordering counties to fully reopen bars and restaurants, but the order left South Florida stumbling through yet another patchwork of regulations.

Bars and restaurants, in particular, wrestled with whether to follow DeSantis’ open-everything declaration or the more restrictive rules imposed by local governments. They said local mask requirements also contradicted DeSantis’ order prohibiting fines against people who refuse to comply.

Trantalis said he issued his order Wednesday to help clarify the situation.

“The governor said we’re in Phase 3,” Trantalis said. “We can’t contradict his order. But the hospitality industry needed some guidelines. We’re on Day 5. We didn’t want to step on any toes, but we have a community demanding answers.”

Under the new order, restaurants in Fort Lauderdale can operate at 100% of their total capacity. Bars, pubs, nightclubs, cocktail lounges, breweries, cigar bars, strip clubs and any other establishment licensed to sell alcohol can operate at up to 50% of their indoor capacity and 100% of their outdoor capacity.

The order requires 6 feet between tables and chairs and between people who are standing or waiting in line. Hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol must be available for customers and employees, and there must be signs to ensure appropriate distancing.

In addition, restaurants and bars in Fort Lauderdale:

May allow ordering and seating at bar counters, provided a 6-foot distance is maintained between patrons not of the same household.

Must close all on-premises areas to patrons between midnight and 5 a.m.

Whenever possible, must use single-use disposable food service items, condiments and menus.

Fort Lauderdale’s order requires facial coverings for customers and staff except while eating or drinking. Businesses must make sure employees and patrons follow the rules, and they can be fined if they don’t.

Trantalis makes that clear in his order.

“I am restoring the common-sense policies that were in place that businesses must require their employees and customers to wear masks,” he said. “Masks help prevent the spread of the disease and are a needed protection.”

Not everyone is happy with the mask mandate, however.

“I’ve been getting some hate emails all day,” Trantalis said. “[People say] I’m taking away their constitutional rights. They’re going to defecate on my front lawn if I force them to wear a mask.”

The rules across South Florida

Local governments are still trying to sort out how to meet the governor’s demands while protecting against a resurgence of the coronavirus. Here are the rules as they stand now.

Broward County: The county issued a new order Wednesday night to help clarify the rules — nearly 12 hours after Fort Lauderdale released its order.

Under the county’s new orders, restaurants still must shut down for on-site dining between 11 p.m. and 5 p.m. Restaurants can continue to operate for takeout, drive-thru and delivery services.

Restaurants can still have a minimum indoor occupancy of 50%. Restaurants may operate at greater than 50% and up to 100% of indoor capacity if tables can be separated by 6 feet. There should be no more than six people at a table at any one time. People should continue to wear masks except when eating or drinking.

Bar counters can be open to seating, but at least 6 feet must be maintained between parties. A plexiglass partition must be placed between patrons seated at a counter and any staff working on the other side of the counter.

Palm Beach County: The county allows 100% capacity at bars, restaurants and other businesses. Social distancing rules remain in effect. Both staff and patrons are required to wear masks. People won’t be fined for violating the mask rules, per the governor’s order, but businesses will.

Miami-Dade County: Miami-Dade plans to keep citing people for not wearing masks but will postpone collecting fines from them until a future date. In an order issued Saturday, Miami-Dade stated that businesses with a food license can reach 100% capacity only if they have the ability to keep tables 6 feet apart and limit the number of people at each table.

In Fort Lauderdale, Trantalis said he checked in with several bar and restaurant owners before issuing Wednesday’s order.

“Everyone is on board with the idea of wanting to be safe in the community but at the same time being able to coexist with this disease and open up businesses and be consistent with the governor’s order,” Trantalis said.

Restaurant owner Tim Petrillo, who said the local restaurant scene has had a “Wild West” vibe since Friday, welcomed the mayor’s emergency order.

“Trantalis gave us some clarity, which is nice,” said Petrillo, whose hospitality group runs 11 bars, restaurants and clubs in Fort Lauderdale. “Since Friday it’s been a bit chaotic.”

Some customers got into spats with one another, arguing they no longer needed to wear masks and could crowd up to the bar.

“Now we have more clear direction,” Petrillo said. “Now we know that we can seat at the bar with proper separation. Face coverings for both employees and patrons are still mandatory. You can seat as many tables inside and outside as long as they are 6 feet apart. We are now allowed to operate until midnight instead of closing at 11 p.m.”

Petrillo said he hoped to see Broward County follow Fort Lauderdale’s lead with its own clarification.

Fort Lauderdale says bars and restaurants can keep serving until midnight.

But Broward County’s order says they have to stop serving at 11 p.m.

If a county code officer catches a bar or restaurant in Fort Lauderdale serving drinks or food past 11 p.m., the restaurant can be fined and face a 24-hour shutdown.

And that has some bar and restaurant owners nervous, Petrillo said.

“The first fine is $250,” he said. “The second fine is $15,000.”

Susannah Bryan can be reached at or 954-356-4554 or on Twitter @Susannah_Bryan

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