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Luke Skywalker only saw a ‘dark side’ to Tuesday’s presidential debate

Mark Hamill
Rich Fury/Getty Images
Mark Hamill

“Star Wars” star Mark Hamill speaks from experience when he says the presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden was hard to watch.

“That debate was the worst thing I’ve ever seen & I was in The Star Wars Holiday Special,” said Hamill, who plays Jedi warrior Luke Skywalker in the sci-fi franchise tweeted of the 90-minute political debacle that aired Tuesday night.

Hamill is referring to the 1978 holiday program put together to capitalize on the enormous popularity of the 1977 “Star Wars” film that forever changed movie marketing and merchandising.

The Christmas special was widely panned by critics. Cast members including Hamill distanced themselves from the finished product, which creator George Lucas said didn’t really involve him.

In February, Hamill tweeted at President Trump, jokingly asking him to pardon the bomb of a show. The 69-year-old actor didn’t find humor in the president’s unwillingness to denounce white supremacists and other hate groups that support him Tuesday.

“It was also embarrassing when tRUMP, after being asked to condemn white supremacists, replied: ‘Proud boys, stand back and stand by..'” Hamill tweeted. “It was beyond embarrassing, it was downright shameful.”

The president has also referred to neo-Nazi protesters as “very fine people” and welcomed the support of the rabid QAnon conspiracy theory collective.

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