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General Daily Insight for September 30, 2020

We may prefer to be alone with our thoughts and feelings today as the intuitive Moon sextiles serious Saturn. Some of us will feel a touch of melancholy while others will simply feel reflective and a desire for calm. Either way, we are not in the mood for frivolity, instead preferring the company of serious people, or to keep our own company. This makes it easier to balance our sense of duty with our emotional needs. Once the Moon enters Aries at 10:47 pm EDT, we become more assertive and direct.

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March 21-April 19

You are in a very serious mood today and may shove aside your feelings to finish an important work project. You cherish your freedom and powerfully resent any imposition — real or perceived — upon your range of motion. If you feel somewhat depressed today, it is likely due to a limitation placed upon you, either by an authority figure or by a burdensome responsibility. When the Moon moves into your sign later in the day, the fog of your mood will lift and you will bounce back.


April 20-May 20

You may take a rather stern or judgmental attitude toward a friend or acquaintance today, or a friend may act in a similar way toward you. You could be giving or receiving strict advice or helping to stabilize a friend who is in need of a support structure. Meanwhile, you are probably turning a critical eye toward your hopes for the future now, finding a way to reconcile what you feel like doing with what you know you should do.


May 21-June 20

If you encounter disagreements, obstruction, or sudden upheavals today, it is likely due to your inability to allow spontaneous flow in the situation. You may be trying to control every detail or micromanage the actions of everyone around you rather than allowing the free exchange of energy that is essential for any organic process. Usually, being a control freak comes from some deeply rooted fear. Realize that you do not need to do everything on your own. Try to let go and let things flow.


June 21-July 22

You may wish to spend the day curled up with a book — not a new one, but an old, cherished classic. You are not interested in testing your boundaries and broadening your mind today. You are much more interested in shoring up what you already know, advancing your education toward a level of mastery and expertise. If a close partner challenges your opinions, you are more likely to try to escape the argument now than to establish a meeting of minds.


July 23-August 22

Because you live for a good time, you may find today’s more serious and practical influence feels a bit like a ball and chain. Your to-do list has been growing longer by the second lately and you may be feeling like life has grown into one big, tedious chore. Today, feelings of resentment or depression that have been accruing could culminate in an emotional eruption. Try to allow your feelings, whatever they may be, to come forth.


August 23-September 22

Today you and a close partner in love or business can work out an important solution that helps you both feel more supported by one another. You have an easy time relating in a careful, objective manner now and even if you are dealing with painful or difficult emotions, it will be easy for you to remain clear-headed while you communicate. You will also take a methodical, careful approach to creative projects and find more satisfaction in the work being well-crafted than in being the most innovative.


September 23-October 22

You are feeling like tightening up your belt and being more strict with yourself, especially when it comes to diet, fitness, and your health. Today, you could make a commitment to a new weight loss program or lifestyle habit as you feel less like indulging every appetite and more like sticking to a healthy routine. You are putting your house and your body in order, taking the real stats, calculating the true numbers, and setting concrete goals. No more vague aspirations.


October 23-November 21

Today you are in a quiet mood, likely preferring to watch and listen rather than shout from the rooftops. You are more strict about what you call “the truth” and more careful about what information you share. You may have a subtly withdrawn outlook as you reckon with reality as it truly is, rather than what you want it to be. A sobering experience or blunt truth may throw you back upon yourself, but ultimately, this revelation helps you to respond to life in a more authentic way.


November 22-December 21

The inner Mother and inner Father are working together within you today as you tend to your emotional well-being and to the sturdiness of your foundation. One cannot be truly powerful without feeling secure, and true security entails both material and emotional stability. You are taking good care of your physical body, home, and emotional state while also enforcing boundaries and upholding standards that provide structure. You manage to be open and tolerant, but at the same time, assured and inflexible where you are unwilling to compromise.


December 22-January 19

Everyone can sense that you mean business today, as you have an especially stony exterior. You are in the mood to work and you, like no other, have the stamina to go for as long as it takes to get the job done. You are a practical realist and, today, no one will even bother to propose any ideas that aren’t thoroughly researched and utterly pragmatic, for your serious attitude will have a sobering effect on the starry-eyed dreamers.


January 20-February 18

You may feel a little glum today and have a hard time connecting to an awareness of your strengths, talents, and values. While you may be in a realistic mood concerning what resources you really have available, you may also be blind to the wealth that is at your disposal, in the form of your relationships, connections, assets, talents, skills, or expertise. At the very least, this seriousness will help you to make sound financial calculations, as you are unlikely to make any frivolous purchases.


February 19-March 20

Today you are as friendly and receptive to others as usual, but you have a bit more backbone. This will help you to finish important work projects and accomplish major milestones. As a Pisces, you may have a tendency to miss deadlines, be indecisive, or get whisked way into daydreams without even realizing. Today, it will be easier for you to keep your feet on the ground and finish what you start, all the while retaining your innate creativity and openness.

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